

Andreas Kießling


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 14 64 78



13:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #104178 (Resolved): Slug Creation skips field if set to readOnly
I have news records that have a readOnly field that is filled automatically and also displayed to the user in the bac... Andreas Kießling


09:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #104118: Avoid hard dependency on final validation viewhelper
The "empty" check in the NotEmpty viewhelper is a bit flawed since it also accepts empty strings.
Thus the value ...
Andreas Kießling


19:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #104118 (Needs Feedback): Avoid hard dependency on final validation viewhelper
I inherited a project that xclassed the NotEmptyViewHelper and am currently updating it to v12.4
Previously, the Vie...
Andreas Kießling


15:25 TYPO3 Core Task #104074 (Resolved): getFileSystemStatus checks for writeable typo3conf directory in composer mode
\TYPO3\CMS\Install\Report\InstallStatusReport::getFileSystemStatus checks a list of directories that TYPO3 wants pres... Andreas Kießling


15:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #103961 (Resolved): Postgres: Extbase LIKE query is case sensitive
While updating a pretty old site to 12.4 i stumbled up on a like query that is now executed case sensitive.
Similar ...
Andreas Kießling
15:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #93223: Wrong syntax for ALTER INDEX on PostgreSQL
I actually had that error in a fresh 12.4 setup (the missing quotes, not the case sensitivity), but the error came fr... Andreas Kießling


13:18 TYPO3 Core Feature #103887: Site config / Site language based language file handling for FRONTEND required since deprecation of "typo3Language" - controlling it by locale only is not enough in every use case
I totally agree that this needs to be reverted or somehow "officially allowed" again. I have systems with _invalid_ l... Andreas Kießling


13:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #103803: Inaccessible Settings and Maintenance module when settings.php is not writable
The current behavior caused me some trouble in v12 too: i installed typo3/cms-styleguide via composer require --dev s... Andreas Kießling


20:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #103700: Element Browser does not return pages_uid when referencing a page through the tree
Additional hint: the left selector is only displayed when the element browser is launched with the _Page_ button belo... Andreas Kießling
20:26 TYPO3 Core Bug #103700 (Resolved): Element Browser does not return pages_uid when referencing a page through the tree
When a page is selected from the Element Browser, the icon in the page tree only returns the uid. The button on the r... Andreas Kießling

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