

Tobias Wollender

  • Login: twllndr
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  • Registered on: 2008-04-26
  • Last sign in: 2024-09-10


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 2 15 17



21:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #105152: 503 when editor has no access to the default storage #2
We also had this problem today (with TYPO3 12.4.24). Thanks for the proposed fix, which worked as described. Tobias Wollender


12:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #77866: Link to file in RTE does not prevent deleting this file in the File List
For me the reference count is also increased when linking to a file in the RTE and I too see this confirmation dialog... Tobias Wollender
11:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #77866: Link to file in RTE does not prevent deleting this file in the File List
I just stumbled over the same problem (in 7.6 and 8.7). Patrick isn't talking about inserting an image in the rte, bu... Tobias Wollender


16:28 TYPO3 Core Task #83776: Definition of goals to create the stories
I'm currently avoiding something like gridelements completely - just using "components" taylored to the customers nee... Tobias Wollender


10:16 TYPO3 Core Bug #81478 (New): Datepicker in backend - unlogical behaviour with keyboard navigation
In the TYPO3 backend you have a datepicker in the date fields. When you click in the input field and change the day m... Tobias Wollender


10:06 TYPO3 Core Feature #78036 (Closed): Renaming of a folder in the filelist should adjust filemounts accordingly
If you rename a folder in the filelist and have a filemount on that folder, the filemount is not adjusted accordingly... Tobias Wollender


16:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #77917 (Closed): Can't save image metadata in a translated content element in draft workspace
I have a standard text-image element (with an image inside) on the page with the default language and I'm working in ... Tobias Wollender


16:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #75338 (Accepted): Replacing a youtube/vimeo video in filelist not possible
It isn't possible to replace an uploaded youtube video in the filelist. If I want to do this, I always get the file u... Tobias Wollender


09:45 TYPO3 Core Bug #72124: Make it visual more clear which button of the confirm dialog is highlited
Yes, that's also my opinion. Make both buttons initially grey and highlight the active button orange. I wrote this in... Tobias Wollender


23:50 TYPO3 Core Bug #72099: The active button in the backend dialogs should also have the highlight color
But the different color is important for the user. Visually the OK button is highlighted, in focus or active - whatev... Tobias Wollender

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