

Luc Muller


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 6 7



08:46 TYPO3 Core Feature #105623: Allow Youtube live videos to be imported in YouTubeHelper Online Media Helper
Well, I've tried to commit, but I still end up with a Permission denied (publickey), and ... Luc Muller


16:34 TYPO3 Core Feature #105623 (Resolved): Allow Youtube live videos to be imported in YouTubeHelper Online Media Helper
Youtube Online Media Helpers allow to import youtube videos and shorts but no live.
Urls are structured like this : ...
Luc Muller


15:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #104251 (Closed): Having a USER_INT OR COA_INT on page.bodyTagCObject leads to Warning error
Try ... Luc Muller


08:35 TYPO3 Core Bug #103163: Base folder for local storage missing or not allowed (regression from 11.5.35 to 11.5.36)
Thanks for pointing this out, it solved the problem.
Didn't noticed the required change in the migration process f...
Luc Muller


16:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #103163: Base folder for local storage missing or not allowed (regression from 11.5.35 to 11.5.36)
in TYPO3 11.5.36 error : Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1314516810: Folder "/" does not ex... Luc Muller
16:49 TYPO3 Core Bug #103163 (Closed): Base folder for local storage missing or not allowed (regression from 11.5.35 to 11.5.36)
In TYPO3 11.5.35 a regression was introduced in the filelist.
But TYPO3 11.5.36 doesn't seems to correct it complete...
Luc Muller


13:46 TYPO3 Core Feature #102129: Integrate link wizard (linkhandler) for page type "shortcut"
Tested today on a TYPO3 11.5.33 installation.
Changing the TCA of the url field to a renderType=inputlink would do...
Luc Muller
13:45 TYPO3 Core Feature #66218: Linkhandler for Shortcut
Tested today on a TYPO3 11.5.33 installation.
Changing the TCA of the url field to a renderType=inputlink would do ...
Luc Muller


10:38 TYPO3 Core Bug #102703 (New): Persisted alias mapper should return item uid instead of languageParentFieldName when site translation fallbackType is set to free
When using a persisted alias mapper eg on news extension
The persisted alias mapper return the uid of the news in th...
Luc Muller


08:09 TYPO3 Core Bug #98463: Nu HTML Validator (the one from changed how they validate self-closing tags
+1 on this issue.
I can have a fully valid code but the self closing tags sends info notice on the validator and thi...
Luc Muller

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