

René Wagner


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 5 5



23:53 TYPO3 Core Bug #27415 (Closed): ViewHelper Forms with method get and action parameter do not address to right action
A form like the following is rendered invalid:
<f:form action="list" method="get" id="searchForm" name="searchForm...
René Wagner


15:01 TYPO3 Core Bug #14855: Flexforms with non-UTF8-encoded values can't be saved with PHP5.
Also a good idea. A workaround, but really a good idea to prevent side-effects. Could be a patch for 4.0. For 4.5 sho... René Wagner


18:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #15203: Copy sites with flexible content elements inside crash with fatal error
I found a bug in PHP that our solution infiltrates. If $dataStruct is a string and not an array, isset() on a nonexis... René Wagner


10:19 TYPO3 Core Bug #14819: htmlspecialchars called multiple times
Whats with this part:
1929: $pathStr = htmlspecialchars($this->getPathFromP...
René Wagner


22:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #14855: Flexforms with non-UTF8-encoded values can't be saved with PHP5.
Side effects in tcemain near the patched part (and the patch himself) and in method remapListedDBRecords() where the ... René Wagner
21:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #14855: Flexforms with non-UTF8-encoded values can't be saved with PHP5.
Syntactically the output of t3lib_div::array2xml must be corrected.
This will caused many problems with extension...
René Wagner


21:35 TYPO3 Core Bug #15203: Copy sites with flexible content elements inside crash with fatal error
Hi Sebastian,
works fine. I solved it exactly the same.
Thanks for patching.
René Wagner


15:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #15203: Copy sites with flexible content elements inside crash with fatal error
Hi Sebastian,
yes its right. PHP 5.0.4. But i didn't find any diffenenz between the versions by unsetting nonexist...
René Wagner


22:22 TYPO3 Core Feature #15269 (Closed): Add a Querystring to a <LINK id/type-pair
The additionalParams - Behaviour should be also available for a manually or by RTE inserted typolink <LINK>. The Quer... René Wagner
19:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #15229: Typolink with sectionmark and RealURL-Pathes
| config.prefixLocalAnchors = all
sets the unsetted path again.
Not as nice, makes the work twic...
René Wagner

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