

David Greiner


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 2 2
Reported issues 1 11 12



10:53 TYPO3 Core Bug #79269 (Closed): Condition in ResourceCompressor::retrieveExternalFile makes no sense
Trying to compress and concatenate external assets leads to an error. This happens because condition in Resour...
David Greiner


17:38 TYPO3 Core Bug #79089 (Closed): UpgradeWizard (8.5) does not work with alternative cache configuration
The upgrade wizard seems not to work while updating from 8.4.1 to 8.5. using an alternative cache configuration. In m... David Greiner


10:14 TYPO3 Core Bug #78972 (Closed): RTE does not load in inline elements
RTE does not load in inline elements.
The following error occurs (developer tools console):
Uncaught ReferenceErr...
David Greiner


11:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #61298 (Resolved): Missing stylesheet admin_panel.css in page if hide=1 for user group in frontend editing leads to missing editing icons
Applied in changeset commit:8a83c0bd574febd6c3bdeb72037740a9fc29dc4e. David Greiner
11:11 TYPO3 Core Revision 8a83c0bd: [BUGFIX] Split check for adding adminPanelHeaderData
The check is split into "is the panel enabled" and "should it be
visible", as additional adminPanelHeaderData should ...
David Greiner


23:55 TYPO3 Core Task #68142 (Resolved): Clipboard menu selector looks weird if clipboard is empty
Applied in changeset commit:67448ed9e1b10bb3f234496b5e678e83203c529e. David Greiner
23:28 TYPO3 Core Task #68142 (Closed): Clipboard menu selector looks weird if clipboard is empty
The clipboards menu selector looks very weird if the clipboard is empty. In general there is no need to show the menu... David Greiner
23:54 TYPO3 Core Revision 67448ed9: [TASK] Hide clipboard menu selector if clipboard is empty
With this patch the clipboard menu selector becomes visible
if the clipboard is not empty.
Resolves: #68142
David Greiner
11:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #68087: SaltedPasswordService.php calls $this->writeLogMessage with too many parameters
Hi Tymoteusz!
Method writeLogMessage() in SaltedPasswordService.php checks whether further arguments existing (usi...
David Greiner


00:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #68030 (Resolved): Installtool breaks if clean up without selection
Applied in changeset commit:389eb2e712a45a02e2551d43e30c4c62435c6ee3. David Greiner

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