

Garvin Hicking

  • Login: ghi
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  • Registered on: 2012-07-17
  • Last sign in: 2025-02-11


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 69 72
Reported issues 9 86 95


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2024-06-03



17:47 TYPO3 Core Feature #106153: Make it easy to copy exception stacktrace
This is a nice idea. I made a little different implementation that offers a javascript functionality to toggle betwee... Garvin Hicking


21:50 TYPO3 Core Bug #105910 (Closed): Wrong record icon in linkvalidator
Garvin Hicking
13:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #105989 (Resolved): Extbase-based backend modules for f:be.tableList have no localized "Cancel" button
Applied in changeset commit:42f112adee1017ed3124186cd7f0bc438a630a01. Garvin Hicking
12:54 TYPO3 Core Revision 06b840c1: [BUGFIX] Fix various issues in conjunction with `f:be.tableList`
The Fluid ViewHelper `<f:be.tableList>` uses the
method `m...
Garvin Hicking
12:54 TYPO3 Core Revision b6826864: [BUGFIX] Fix various issues in conjunction with `f:be.tableList`
The Fluid ViewHelper `<f:be.tableList>` uses the
method `m...
Garvin Hicking
12:54 TYPO3 Core Revision 42f112ad: [BUGFIX] Fix various issues in conjunction with `f:be.tableList`
The Fluid ViewHelper `<f:be.tableList>` uses the
method `m...
Garvin Hicking
12:16 TYPO3 Core Bug #106142: Exception when you try to render a processed image with viewhelper <f:image>
Thanks for the extra info. The associated patch contained some further discussion which I'm quoting here:... Garvin Hicking
11:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #106139 (Resolved): Not displayed references in fileadmin
Applied in changeset commit:fdbc4a5fecde74ca3a4ab12b6e2b396f958c05c3. Garvin Hicking
11:25 TYPO3 Core Revision 0ae2af9e: [BUGFIX] Show all file references even when one is missing
ElementInformationController shows links to resolved entries
of `sys_refindex`, which can be links/records but also f...
Garvin Hicking
11:25 TYPO3 Core Revision 4cabbb78: [BUGFIX] Show all file references even when one is missing
ElementInformationController shows links to resolved entries
of `sys_refindex`, which can be links/records but also f...
Garvin Hicking

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