

Marc Willmann

  • Login: willmann
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  • Registered on: 2013-07-29
  • Last sign in: 2025-01-29


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 9 9
Reported issues 3 19 22


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2018-06-22



11:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #105702 (Closed): Translation Wizard allows proceeding without choosing mode
Steps to reproduce:
In TYPO3 12 translate a page and then translate the content (via the "translate" button in th...
Marc Willmann


21:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #104431 (Resolved): Field scope in sys_http_report is too small
Applied in changeset commit:33ab23545f89bce4d47668b8c24946edd480ad7a. Marc Willmann
21:08 TYPO3 Core Revision 8ab0f51c: [BUGFIX] Increase size of scope field in sys_http_report
In frontend context the field scope in table sys_http_report may
filled with a concatenation of "frontend." and the s...
Marc Willmann
21:08 TYPO3 Core Revision 33ab2354: [BUGFIX] Increase size of scope field in sys_http_report
In frontend context the field scope in table sys_http_report may
filled with a concatenation of "frontend." and the s...
Marc Willmann


21:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #103591: Downloading single file in Filelist module triggers zipfile creation
For the record: as a workaround an editor may download the file independent from the proposed patch with download fro... Marc Willmann
19:36 TYPO3 Core Feature #102196 (Needs Feedback): SimplePagination: total number of items
I'm not sure if I understand the problem correctly. The @PaginatorInterface@ indeed lacks the named method; but the a... Marc Willmann


08:38 TYPO3 Core Bug #104431 (Closed): Field scope in sys_http_report is too small
See related bug #102404
If the site identifier is large enough the same problem occurs also in the sys_http_repor...
Marc Willmann


11:47 TYPO3 Core Bug #103950 (Accepted): "Page enable" via page tree opens "view in frontend" in some cases
Steps to reproduce:
Login to
1. Open any Content element
2. Click the "View" bu...
Marc Willmann


16:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #100250: No files anymore in the file selector.
Hi. Just checked with @dev-main as 12.4@ - the issue still consists. Toggling the view mode has no effect.
The is...
Marc Willmann


14:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #100255 (Closed): Language of backend user influence FE translations
This is a follow-up of #100030 , as the proposed patch there does not fix the problem.
thanks for taking care...
Marc Willmann

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