

Wolfgang Klinger


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 52 52
Reported issues 0 53 53


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2008-05-23



16:28 TYPO3 Core Bug #64167: Web>Page: Insert records element references to a page > endless loop
As this occurred again right now, what's the status for this ticket?
You may give us a starting point where this sho...
Wolfgang Klinger


14:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #64167 (Closed): Web>Page: Insert records element references to a page > endless loop
we had an issue that occurred by accident, but should be intercepted anyway …
test case:
content element: inser...
Wolfgang Klinger


14:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #61507 (Closed): wrong definition of pi_flexform/ds/ key for media
I think there's a small bug in
even though it works most o...
Wolfgang Klinger


11:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #61114 (Closed): „TCEFORM.tt_content.menu_type.removeItems = 0“ removes the whole „Special Menus“ entry from the new content element wizard
I wanted to remove the „Menu of selected pages“ entry (beside others) from the special menus element
Wolfgang Klinger


15:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #60858 (Closed): Page preview (backend) broken if link in RTE contains a question mark
If I enter a text and set a link like this:... Wolfgang Klinger


11:53 TYPO3 Core Bug #60199: Page module: tt_content records are not editable
I tried it in an empty installation (only system extensions installed, no setup, cleared all caches through the Insta... Wolfgang Klinger


15:49 TYPO3 Core Bug #60641 (Closed): Bug #60199 still exists
I can confirm that this is still a core bug in the 'Languages' view with TYPO3 6.2.4,
it works with and w...
Wolfgang Klinger
15:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #60199: Page module: tt_content records are not editable

I can still confirm that this is a core bug in the 'Languages' view with TYPO3 6.2.4,
it works with and without t...
Wolfgang Klinger


09:20 TYPO3 Core Bug #60092 (Closed): GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName does not return an absolute path
„Returns the absolute filename of a relative reference“
it does not, getFileAbsFileName does not resolve relative ...
Wolfgang Klinger


14:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #31652: Fatal error: Call to a member function getValue() [Attributes.php line 154]
Still a problem with TYPO3 6.2 :-( Wolfgang Klinger

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