

Florian Wessels


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 12 13



13:45 TYPO3 Core Bug #93938 (Closed): Backend: menu_pages CE will throw an error when it contains references to deleted pages
Since version 10.4.15 the TYPO3 backend will throw an exception in the page module when the page contains a "menu_pag... Florian Wessels


13:36 TYPO3 Core Bug #93534 (Under Review): Insufficient database type for (several) title properties
Setting the title of sys_file_metadata records to (联通智网科技有限公司董事长、总经理辛克铎先生(左一)、上海虹桥商务区管理委员会副主任费小妹女士(左二)、大陆集团中国区总裁兼首席执行... Florian Wessels


09:57 TYPO3 Core Bug #77469: Duplicates of new frontend- and backenduser record when using IE11
This is no longer relevant for me - can therefore be closed. Florian Wessels


15:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #91876: Updating multiple language via scheduler will fail
The attached images should illustrate this behaviour. Florian Wessels
15:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #91876: Updating multiple language via scheduler will fail
This problem occurs only in the scheduler module, not on the console. Florian Wessels


20:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #91876: Updating multiple language via scheduler will fail
The name of the command is language:update, of course ;-) Florian Wessels
20:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #91876 (Closed): Updating multiple language via scheduler will fail
When the update:language command is executed via the scheduler and several ISO codes are specified (separated by spac... Florian Wessels


10:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #90978 (Closed): BE Login: Layout broken when LoginProviders are registerd
Please have a look at the attached screenshot. Florian Wessels


10:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #90733: Backend: LastLoginProvider is no longer stored in the cookie.
Check. Works in 9.5.x-dev and dev-master. Thanks for the super-fast replies :) Florian Wessels
09:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #90733: Backend: LastLoginProvider is no longer stored in the cookie.
Here is the case:
Given are two login providers: the default one and the login provider provided by EXT:auth0 (htt...
Florian Wessels

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