

Attila Glück


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 6 7



10:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #85013: Drag & Drop, Copy/Cut/Paste don't change colPos in localized content elements if the target is the first position
On v12 by moving a content element in backend, don't change the colPos value in localized content elements at all. Th... Attila Glück


07:52 TYPO3 Core Bug #103498: ExtendedFileUtility works only if backend user logged in
thanks for the hint ;) Attila Glück


12:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #103498 (Closed): ExtendedFileUtility works only if backend user logged in
In Typo3 v11 works fine but in v12 works only if you logged in. Attila Glück


05:49 TYPO3 Core Bug #86296: no drag and drop for restricted users if authMode is explicitDeny
This ist still an issue. Maybe your config is not the right one or i miss something. Attila Glück


15:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #93299: TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\ImageService::getImageUri not work correct in backend environment
Thank you Georg! It's works fine! Attila Glück


17:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #93299: TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\ImageService::getImageUri not work correct in backend environment
Ok, it is probably better to generate from the template by the first time. You can close the issue, thank you ;) Attila Glück


19:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #93299: TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\ImageService::getImageUri not work correct in backend environment
I use EXT:external_import and during the import process in BE, i create images for frontend using. Can i somehow beco... Attila Glück
05:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #93299: TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\ImageService::getImageUri not work correct in backend environment
I mean with correct frondend uri /_processed_/...
Attila Glück
05:03 TYPO3 Core Bug #93299 (Closed): TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\ImageService::getImageUri not work correct in backend environment
After update to 10.4.11 in backend environment ImageService::getImageUri does not return the correct frontend uri /fi... Attila Glück


15:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #91818 (Closed): Latest symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (1.18.0) cause error (Mittwald)
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Undefined constant 'IDNA_CHECK_BIDI' | Error thrown in file ... Attila Glück

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