Natalia no-lastname-given
- Login: getnatalia05
- Registered on: 2014-05-13
- Last sign in: 2016-03-03
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 0 | 2 | 2 |
11:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #71975 (Closed): RTE link wizard - link style is missing
- The individual link style options are missing im RTE.
Please take a look at the screenshot.
Can you check it?
09:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #70591: Fatal Error on link wizard: DocumentTemplate is null
- Still doesn't work. Can you please check it? Thanks in advance.
15:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #67503 (Closed): [RTE] [onlyChrome] Paste double with and without structure if "Disable Paste Structure" is enabled
- Unfortunately it pastes text with and without structure.
As you can see in the screenshot.
Google Chrome Version...
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