

Ayke Halder


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 36 44 80



15:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #104530: Keyboard usage in Module Menu: use of ENTER/SPACE not consistent
h3. Firefox DevTool: A11y
Patch implemented looks like this:
Ayke Halder


14:41 TYPO3 Core Feature #105332: Limit amount of images in Page module preview
IMO having proper lazy-loading with visible pictures loading first implemented, it's totally fine to render 100 pictu... Ayke Halder
11:30 TYPO3 Core Revision 3bdd1970: [TASK] Close any open modal in InstallTool Cest tear-down
This closes any open modal in InstallTool Cest tear-down.
Thereby especially the click on 'logout' in tear-down will ...
Ayke Halder
10:45 TYPO3 Core Bug #104705 (Resolved): InstallTool AbstractCest::_after might overlay actual error - e.g. in MaintenanceCest:.analyzeDatabaseStructureWorks
Applied in changeset commit:7b34bc8c79756628279592cdc9c35f77ea2aca32. Ayke Halder
10:43 TYPO3 Core Revision 7b34bc8c: [TASK] Close any open modal in InstallTool Cest tear-down
This closes any open modal in InstallTool Cest tear-down.
Thereby especially the click on 'logout' in tear-down will ...
Ayke Halder


15:53 TYPO3 Core Revision b6ee7fdc: [BUGFIX] Make some buttons reachable by keyboard
This makes some buttons reachable by keyboard.
Before these buttons were implemented as `a`-tags with missing
Ayke Halder
15:35 TYPO3 Core Bug #104901 (Resolved): Links with missing href are not focusable by keyboard
Applied in changeset commit:32fdf4628c100604e9e3229f4cefa9b7a5df4443. Ayke Halder
15:31 TYPO3 Core Revision 32fdf462: [BUGFIX] Make some buttons reachable by keyboard
This makes some buttons reachable by keyboard.
Before these buttons were implemented as `a`-tags with missing
Ayke Halder


15:10 TYPO3 Core Task #104885 (Resolved): Really disable workspaces search-submit-button instead of using class="disabled"
Applied in changeset commit:5c9820a62c940309e6caca3f6a676faf2917c708. Ayke Halder
15:07 TYPO3 Core Revision 5c9820a6: [TASK] Improve usability of search in workspaces
This changes the `disabled`-attribute of the workspaces'
search-submit-button. Thereby screen-readers can announce th...
Ayke Halder

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