

Kai Strecker


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 4 21 25



17:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #105969: Scrolling is not possible while dragging a content element
I am using Chrome 132.0.6834.84 on Windows 10. I can reproduce this bug in Firefox 134.0.2 (64-Bit) on Windows 10 as ... Kai Strecker


11:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #105969 (Needs Feedback): Scrolling is not possible while dragging a content element
In the TYPO3 backend in the page module, you can drag-and-drop content elements to move/copy them. But while dragging... Kai Strecker


10:42 TYPO3 Core Bug #102846: Error with pidList in suggestOptions for group field in FlexForms
I have also just come across this bug.
As Stefan Terborg already pointed out, the cause is vendor/typo3/cms-backen...
Kai Strecker


09:41 TYPO3 Core Bug #103432 (Closed): Error in file list, if user is not allowed to edit the default language
h3. Steps to reproduce
# Create a second system language.
# Create a new backend user group. This group gives acc...
Kai Strecker


09:57 TYPO3 Core Bug #101962: New records created on a field of type INLINE have the wrong sys_language_uid value
I encountered the same bug and two more and made some changes in our local TYPO3 source code to hotfix it.
Kai Strecker


15:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #103053 (Closed): Search and sorting in file list not working properly
h2. Bug 1: Search query is lost when changing sorting
h3. Steps to reproduce
# Open file list in backend.
# Sw...
Kai Strecker


12:20 TYPO3 Core Bug #100750 (Closed): Backend search does not work if user has too many searchable webmounts
*Info:* This affects the search in top-right corner of the backend, after clicking on the "Show all" button, if an ed... Kai Strecker


13:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #97949 (Under Review): Linkvalidator does not handle german umlauts correctly
Steps to reproduce:
# Create a page of type "External link".
# Set for example "https://bä
Kai Strecker


09:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #97937 (Under Review): Linkvalidator: Links and   in tt_content.bodytext cause problems in UrlSoftReferenceParser
In our test case, we have a content element with CType = textmedia and the following data in the bodytext field:
Kai Strecker


11:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #96600 (Closed): Still broken after fix: The button toolbar in the page module is missing buttons, if the backend user is only allowed to edit one translation language
About 3 months ago, I reported this bug: The last update included the bug fix, ... Kai Strecker

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