

Michel Georgy

  • Login: michel4eyes
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 2010-09-14
  • Last sign in: 2019-11-20


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 5 5



17:52 TYPO3 Core Feature #57417 (Closed): ImageViewHelper responsive Images
TYPO3 introduced the new responsive Images where you can define sourceCollection for Images. (srcset ...)
It would...
Michel Georgy


15:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #57392 (Closed): Responsive Image Rendering absRefPrefix
absRefPrefix is not included in image sources for srcset attribute.
If a site doesn't use baseURL this results in...
Michel Georgy


14:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #51474 (Resolved): Empty ext_autoload.php results in empty classRegistry
Applied in changeset commit:440ca58780191ca243cb5049c4af4493c4bc3a5d. Michel Georgy
14:28 TYPO3 Core Revision 440ca587: [BUGFIX] Cast autoload and classAliasMap to Array
If you create an empty ext_autoload.php or an empty classAliasMap.php
file or fail to return an array, NULL is merged...
Michel Georgy
14:28 TYPO3 Core Revision 1a04377e: [BUGFIX] Cast autoload and classAliasMap to Array
If you create an empty ext_autoload.php or an empty classAliasMap.php
file or fail to return an array, NULL is merged...
Michel Georgy
14:26 TYPO3 Core Revision 8cc7f455: [BUGFIX] Cast autoload and classAliasMap to Array
If you create an empty ext_autoload.php or an empty classAliasMap.php
file or fail to return an array, NULL is merged...
Michel Georgy


19:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #51474: Empty ext_autoload.php results in empty classRegistry
Here is a patchfile of the change Michel Georgy
19:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #51474 (Closed): Empty ext_autoload.php results in empty classRegistry
If an extension has an empty ext_autoload.php or does not return an array in ext_autoload.php
all other ext_autoloa...
Michel Georgy


15:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #31757 (Closed): Foreign field as label for relation
There seems to be a little Problem if you work with versioning/workspaces and have a intermediate table where
the l...
Michel Georgy


09:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #26798 (Closed): Extbase requirements check
The Extbase requirements check (typo3 / sysext / extbase / Classes / Utility / ExtbaseRequirementsCheck.php)
for the...
Michel Georgy

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