

Stefan Bürk

  • Login: stefan.buerk
  • Registered on: 2020-04-03
  • Last sign in: 2025-01-27


open closed Total
Assigned issues 38 412 450
Reported issues 11 534 545


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2021-09-28



11:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #106085 (Resolved): Avoid PostgreSQL type issue in LiveSearch providers
Applied in changeset commit:563eaf8023731905affc23903ce3921e59fcd481. Stefan Bürk
11:27 TYPO3 Core Revision 03097b49: [BUGFIX] Avoid PostgreSQL type issue in LiveSearch providers
With #106040 general search field lists has been streamlined to
retrieve it from TcaSchema single source of truth, st...
Stefan Bürk
11:26 TYPO3 Core Revision 563eaf80: [BUGFIX] Avoid PostgreSQL type issue in LiveSearch providers
With #106040 general search field lists has been streamlined to
retrieve it from TcaSchema single source of truth, st...
Stefan Bürk


14:25 TYPO3 Core Task #106097 (Resolved): Streamline ExpressionBuilder like() and notLike() tests
Applied in changeset commit:1ba04a8cabfca6a4e66b8b96bbd3db7d1f4b48fe. Stefan Bürk
12:59 TYPO3 Core Task #106097 (Resolved): Streamline ExpressionBuilder like() and notLike() tests
Stefan Bürk
14:20 TYPO3 Core Revision a3b6998d: [TASK] Streamline `ExpressionBuilder::like()` and `notLike()` tests
This change extracts `like/notLike` related ExpressionBuilder
tests to a subfolder and adds additional tests:
* `TEX...
Stefan Bürk
14:20 TYPO3 Core Revision 1ba04a8c: [TASK] Streamline `ExpressionBuilder::like()` and `notLike()` tests
This change extracts `like/notLike` related ExpressionBuilder
tests to a subfolder and adds additional tests:
* `TEX...
Stefan Bürk


09:44 TYPO3 Core Bug #106085 (Resolved): Avoid PostgreSQL type issue in LiveSearch providers
Stefan Bürk


07:00 TYPO3 Core Task #105987 (Resolved): Add additional `EXT:redirects` functional tests
Applied in changeset commit:a0d9cb05738db2aa9790d70c943624e8eec2dc44. Stefan Bürk
06:58 TYPO3 Core Revision e0e774ee: [TASK] Add additional `EXT:redirects` functional tests
This change adds additional `RedirectService` functional
tests for `EXT:redirects` to cover some cases which has
Stefan Bürk

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