

Till Hörner

  • Login: tillhoerner
  • Registered on: 2021-01-14
  • Last sign in: 2025-02-19


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 7 7



15:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #105979 (Resolved): Workspace record preview with route enhancer does not work
When trying to preview the detail page of a record in a workspace the preview controller generates urls like:
Till Hörner


15:50 TYPO3 Core Bug #105080 (Resolved): Use correct command name in changelog
Applied in changeset commit:df5fd788639249c19b3de3d26154c0b039c23b70. Till Hörner
10:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #105080 (Closed): Use correct command name in changelog
The console command to mark upgrade wizards as undone was renamed during development from `upgrade:markUndone` to `up... Till Hörner
15:45 TYPO3 Core Revision df5fd788: [DOCS] Use correct command name upgrade:mark:undone in changelog
Resolves: #105080
Related: #104655
Releases: main
Change-Id: I3de2f92440c21da7e30f4ac8954deaaf567395e4
Reviewed-on: h...
Till Hörner


18:40 TYPO3 Core Feature #104655 (Resolved): Add console command to mark upgrade wizards as undone
Applied in changeset commit:b99439613cc2ca553c3be17eedd690b981ca9233. Till Hörner
18:34 TYPO3 Core Revision b9943961: [FEATURE] Add console command to mark upgrade wizards as undone
A new CLI command `typo3 upgrade:mark:undone` has been introduced
that allows to mark a previously executed upgrade w...
Till Hörner


15:29 TYPO3 Core Feature #104655: Add console command to mark upgrade wizards as undone
Yes, I'd like to give it a try ;) Till Hörner
06:41 TYPO3 Core Feature #104655: Add console command to mark upgrade wizards as undone
I think the main point is to make it possible to run an already marked as done upgrade wizard from CLI only. As said ... Till Hörner


19:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #104749 (Resolved): Undefined array key "basePath" in Typo3tempFileService line 136 using AWS FAL Driver
Applied in changeset commit:b77b6ee3fa5c1032076dd3c62620481b385269dc. Till Hörner
19:12 TYPO3 Core Revision 10c5b267: [BUGFIX] Avoid undefined array key in Typo3tempFileService
Resolves: #104749
Releases: main, 12.4, 11.5
Change-Id: I0285dbeb8cabd4dc338797b6b47d3312ca2b9bb3
Reviewed-on: https:...
Till Hörner

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