Juergen Kussmann
- Login: soda_2005
- Email: jkussmann@web.de
- Registered on: 2010-10-25
- Last sign in: 2024-10-09
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 1 | 7 | 8 |
08:01 TYPO3 Core Bug #96658: Frontend preview doesn't work on restricted pages, when any none-live-workspace is selected
- I'm currently upgrade by system to TYPO3 v12.4.21 - and in this version, the preview works fine - also for restricted...
14:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #95962: BootCompletedEvent unsuitable to replace extTablesInclusion-PostProcessing hook
- Oliver Eglseder wrote in #note-8:
> My use case is very simple. I need to register a Backend Module dynamically after...
13:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #96658 (Under Review): Frontend preview doesn't work on restricted pages, when any none-live-workspace is selected
- The frontend-preview of restricted pages doesn't work, when any none-live-workspace is selected.
*An example:*
13:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #96381 (Closed): Frontend preview doesn't work on restricted pages
- The frontend-preview of restricted pages doesn't work.
An example:
The TYPO3-page 'mytypo3page' is restricted by ...
08:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #78915: Critical performance bug in Extbase Reflection Cache in all TYPO3 versions since 6.0 (affects submits of Extbase-Forms)
- Hi Tymoteusz Motylewski,
the bug occurs, when you submit an Extbase-Form and the Form is represented by an Extbase...
09:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #78915 (Closed): Critical performance bug in Extbase Reflection Cache in all TYPO3 versions since 6.0 (affects submits of Extbase-Forms)
- Hi,
we at AOE.com have found a critical performance-bug in Extbase-Reflection-Cache in all TYPO3-versions since 6.0....
12:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #49177: INSERT cache in DB-table 'cache_pagesection' produces the MySQL-Error 'Duplicate Entry'
- Hi Benni,
please close this bug-report. In our TYPO3 6.2, wo don't use this bugfix anymore and our (big) TYPO3-ins...
09:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #49177 (Closed): INSERT cache in DB-table 'cache_pagesection' produces the MySQL-Error 'Duplicate Entry'
- Hi,
if there are two concurrent PHP-Requests, which try to write the same Cache of DB-table 'cache_pagesection', tha...
10:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #30643: Fatal Error in Workspaces preview
- Christian Lerrahn wrote:
> I'd like to re-open this because I got the same(?) error in 4.5.11.
I also got this ...
01:19 TYPO3 Core Revision 5e280b87: [BUGFIX] Incorrect display of Flexform UTF8 labels
- UTF8 labels and options are displayed incorrectly in Flexforms.
Change-Id: Ib0ef81b995f1b6c35b7a216c4415f81b1dd8ded6...
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