Bug #96658
openFrontend preview doesn't work on restricted pages, when any none-live-workspace is selected
The frontend-preview of restricted pages doesn't work, when any none-live-workspace is selected.
An example:
The TYPO3-page 'mytypo3page' (UID=272204) is restricted by the fe_groups-record with UID 4884.
When i click the frontend-preview-button in the TYPO3-backend-module 'page' (in LIVE-Workspace), than TYPO3 is calling the URL https://mytypo3domain.com/mytypo3page?ADMCMD_simUser=4884 and the Preview works.
When i click the frontend-preview-button in the TYPO3-backend-module 'page' (in any NONE-LIVE-Workspace - e.g. my 'test-workspace'), than TYPO3 is calling the URL https://mytypo3domain.com/typo3/workspace/preview-control/?token=[token]&id=272204.
The Response of that URL calls now two URLs:
- /mytypo3page?ADMCMD_prev=LIVE&id=272204
- /mytypo3page?ADMCMD_prev=IGNORE&id=272204
Both of that URL's produces a 403 HTTP-StatusCode - with message 'ID was not an accessible page' in PageErrorHandlerInterface.
When i add the String '&ADMCMD_simUser=4964' on the URL https://mytypo3domain.com/typo3/workspace/preview-control/?token=[token]&id=272204 than the preview works fine.
So, in short:
This (current) URL doesn't work on restricted pages: https://mytypo3domain.com/typo3/workspace/preview-control/?token=[token]&id=272204
This URL does work on restricted pages: https://mytypo3domain.com/typo3/workspace/preview-control/?token=[token]&id=272204&ADMCMD_simUser=4964
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 10 months ago
I tried the same test on TYPO3 13.2.0-dev and these are my findings:
- TYPO3 installation with a frontend URL like e.g.
- a FE Usergroup "feusers" (ID=1)
- a Workspace ("Draft")
Test 1¶
- on LIVE workspace create a page "test-96658" (ID=780 in my case) > URL:
OK - edit it > Tab "Access" > Usergroup Access Rights
: feusers [1]; save and close - use the preview button on the Page Module
the URL https://typo3.main.it.ddev.site:8443/test-96658?ADMCMD_simUser=1
is called and the page is visible (with the "preview yellow box")
Test 2¶
- Switch to "Draft" workspace
- use the preview button on the Page Module
the URL https://typo3.main.it.ddev.site:8443/typo3/workspace/preview-control/?token=[token]&id=780
is called and I see the "workspace split view" with LIVE/Draft slider; the two sides of the "workspace preview" with the slider are <iframes> with the folowing URLS:
(LIVE part): https://typo3.main.it.ddev.site:8443/?ADMCMD_prev=LIVE&id=780
> shows error 403
(Draft part): https://typo3.main.it.ddev.site:8443/?ADMCMD_prev=IGNORE&id=780
> shows error 404
Test 3¶
- Switch to "LIVE" workspace
- Edit the main TypoScript template of the site (on home page) > TS Setup:
config.admPanel = 1
Save and preview the page - use the preview button on the Page Module
- On the bottom Admin Panel bar > Settings > Simulate User Group: select "feuser"; click "Update Settings"; close the preview window
- Switch to "Draft" workspace
- use again the preview button on the Page Module
- now the preview works for both sides of the "workspace split view
- you will see TWO bottom Admin Panel bar (for each side of the preview)
I don't know if it is how it is expected to work.
Please note that even if you revert
config.admPanel = 0, it will continue to work, unless you empty the "simulate User Group" dropdown on the Admin Panel
Updated by Rémy DANIEL 8 months ago
- Related to Bug #96778: Workspace Preview Links not working when [starttime] in future added
Updated by Philipp Kitzberger 6 months ago
· Edited
@Riccardo De Contardi, thanks for your analysis!
I don't know if it is how it is expected to work.
My opinion: since it's not necessary to use the "admin panel user group simulation" in your scenario 1, it shouldn't be necessary in a draft workspace either.
Updated by Philipp Kitzberger 5 months ago
- Complexity changed from easy to medium
It's working when I manually add the GET parameter ADMCMD_simUser
to both preview URLs of the split screen iframes:
- https://typo3.main.it.ddev.site:8443/?ADMCMD_prev=LIVE&id=780&ADMCMD_simUser=1
- https://typo3.main.it.ddev.site:8443/?ADMCMD_prev=IGNORE&id=780&ADMCMD_simUser=1
Guess that EXT:workspace/Classes/Controller/PreviewController.php should add them when generating $liveUrl
and $wsUrl
Here's a rough fix for 11 and 12:
$permissionClause = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\Bitmask\Permission::PAGE_SHOW); $pageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($this->pageId, $permissionClause) ?: []; $context = clone GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Context\Context::class); $previewParams = BackendUtility::ADMCMD_previewCmds($pageInfo, $context); $previewParams = GeneralUtility::explodeUrl2Array($previewParams); ... try { ... $parameters = $queryParameters + $previewParams; ... $parameters = $queryParameters + $previewParams;
Unfortunately BackendUtility::ADMCMD_previewCmds()
is gone for version 13 and is part of EXT:backend/Classes/Routing/PreviewUriBuilder.php now.
Updated by Gerrit Code Review 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to Under Review
Patch set 1 for branch main of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at https://review.typo3.org/c/Packages/TYPO3.CMS/+/86257
Updated by Juergen Kussmann 4 months ago
I'm currently upgrade by system to TYPO3 v12.4.21 - and in this version, the preview works fine - also for restricted pages in "none-live-Workspaces". So, the problem is solved in TYPO3v12. You can close this bug-issue. Thanks for your help.
Updated by Philipp Kitzberger 4 months ago
Then we must be working with 2 different scenarios because I can definitely confirm this bug exists for 11, 12 and 13. Hence my bugfix for the current main branch.
Updated by Philipp Kitzberger 4 months ago
Updated by Philipp Kitzberger 4 months ago
@Juergen Kussmann, here's a SQL dump of my test scenario covering 4 different cases:
- Page 1: unprotected in live, protected in draft
- Page 2: protected in live, unprotected in draft
- Page 3: protected in live, protected in draft
- Page 4: protected by group 1 in live, protected by group 2 in draft
Maybe you can check again with these cases too?
SELECT @PID := (MAX(uid)+1) FROM pages; INSERT INTO `pages` (`uid`, `pid`, `sorting`, `title`, `slug`, `fe_group`, `t3ver_oid`, `t3ver_wsid`, `t3ver_state`, `t3ver_stage`) VALUES (@PID,192,1,'Workspace test','/workspace-test','0',0,0,0,0), (@PID+1,@PID,1,'page 1: not yet protected','/workspace-test/page-1-not-yet-protected','',0,0,0,0), (@PID+2,@PID,2,'page 2: protected','/workspace-test/page-2-protected','1',0,0,0,0), (@PID+3,@PID,3,'page 3: still protected','/workspace-test/page-3-still-protected','1',0,0,0,0), (@PID+4,@PID,4,'page 4: protected by group 1','/workspace-test/page-3-still-protected-1','1',0,0,0,0), (@PID+5,@PID,1,'page 1: now protected','/workspace-test/page-1-not-yet-protected','1',@PID+1,1,0,0), (@PID+6,@PID,2,'page 2: now unprotected','/workspace-test/page-2-protected','',@PID+2,1,0,0), (@PID+7,@PID,4,'page 4: protected by group 2','/workspace-test/page-3-still-protected-1','2',@PID+4,1,0,0); SELECT @UID := (MAX(uid)+1) FROM tt_content; INSERT INTO `tt_content` (`uid`, `pid`, `CType`, `header`, `bodytext`, `t3ver_oid`, `t3ver_wsid`, `t3ver_state`, `t3ver_stage`) VALUES (@UID,@PID+2,'text','live content','',0,0,0,0), (@UID+1,@PID+1,'text','live content','',0,0,0,0), (@UID+2,@PID+3,'text','live content','',0,0,0,0), (@UID+3,@PID+4,'text','live content','',0,0,0,0), (@UID+4,@PID+1,'text','draft content','<p>this page is now protected</p>',@UID+1,1,0,0), (@UID+5,@PID+2,'text','draft content','<p>this page is now unprotected</p>',@UID,1,0,0), (@UID+6,@PID+3,'text','draft content','<p>this page is still protected, only its content changed.</p>',@UID+2,1,0,0), (@UID+7,@PID+4,'text','draft content','<p>this page is still protected, but now a different group has access to it.</p>',@UID+3,1,0,0);
Updated by Gerrit Code Review 4 months ago
Patch set 2 for branch main of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at https://review.typo3.org/c/Packages/TYPO3.CMS/+/86257
Updated by Gerrit Code Review 4 months ago
Patch set 3 for branch main of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at https://review.typo3.org/c/Packages/TYPO3.CMS/+/86257
Updated by Chris no-lastname-given 3 months ago
- Related to Bug #105567: Frontend preview not working on restricted pages for normal editors added