

Christian Kuhn

  • Login: lolli
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  • Registered on: 2008-06-26
  • Last sign in: 2024-03-20


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 728 729
Reported issues 14 2802 2816


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2009-04-04



00:05 TYPO3 Core Task #104258 (Resolved): Insert multiple rows when updating refindex
Applied in changeset commit:3ff932bb1c4a311c343bdc428603e566308835d7. Christian Kuhn
00:00 TYPO3 Core Revision 3ff932bb: [TASK] Insert multiple rows when updating refindex
A rather small change to insert all relation rows
at once per handled source row. This gives the
database options to ...
Christian Kuhn


21:58 TYPO3 Core Task #104258 (Resolved): Insert multiple rows when updating refindex
Christian Kuhn
21:05 TYPO3 Core Task #104257 (Resolved): Use TcaSchemaFactory in ReferenceIndexUpdater
Applied in changeset commit:a63b6ec81d4c91d4bf295e35a0a18d7d9ea114c7. Christian Kuhn
20:43 TYPO3 Core Task #104257 (Resolved): Use TcaSchemaFactory in ReferenceIndexUpdater
Christian Kuhn
21:01 TYPO3 Core Revision a63b6ec8: [TASK] Use TcaSchemaFactory in ReferenceIndexUpdater
With DataHandler being DI aware, it's now rather
simple to make peripheral classes DI aware.
The patch uses new TcaSc...
Christian Kuhn
18:10 TYPO3 Core Task #104253 (Resolved): Use DI in DataHandler
Applied in changeset commit:e35a3b722f1c6b5651fdd7a063497e80163302f5. Christian Kuhn
18:08 TYPO3 Core Revision e35a3b72: [TASK] Use DI in DataHandler
DataHandler is now DI aware and gets a bunch of
services injected.
We're not injecting any potentially possible
Christian Kuhn
17:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #104249 (Resolved): PHP undef array key in FlashMessage::createFromArray()
Applied in changeset commit:8e6bada6189f2ad0d26deed075e23f91b7894c30. Christian Kuhn
16:54 TYPO3 Core Revision 9bca34e4: [BUGFIX] Sanitize FlashMessage->createFromArray()
Resolves: #104249
Releases: main, 12.4
Change-Id: I2e56c967ab27ddc855261ff53f654d5916f3dce6
Reviewed-on: https://revi...
Christian Kuhn

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