

Stefan Neufeind


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Assigned issues 0 98 98
Reported issues 17 500 517


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TYPO3 Core Contributor 2013-05-05



10:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #102202 (Resolved): RteHtmlParser: Wrong caching for getKeepTags
Patch looks correct, and I expect it should work that way for TYPO3 v10 as well.
Can't test the patch in our custome...
Stefan Neufeind


09:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #104215: MenuProcessor: Empty link-attributes for items
Since the menuitems came back fine from the MenuProcessor the idea came up to simply pass the pid to an... Stefan Neufeind
09:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #104215 (Closed): MenuProcessor: Empty link-attributes for items
On a TYPO3-installation (current 12.4.16) we had the menuitems shown correctly but the link-attribute of items was em... Stefan Neufeind


10:45 TYPO3 Core Bug #88784: Record language is incorrectly changed to default language in overlayLanguageAndWorkspace
@benni Haven't used/needed it in a while. But from my comment above I remember that the extension solved an error-cas... Stefan Neufeind


08:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #102202 (Closed): RteHtmlParser: Wrong caching for getKeepTags
We tracked down problems with the RTE where it was not possible to add proper processing-instructions for a custom pr... Stefan Neufeind


09:48 TYPO3 Core Task #101704 (New): RedirectService: Performance/memory-overhead for large number of redirects
In The RedirectService, matchRedirect() there is a call to load all redirects first - $this->fetchRedirect(). In case... Stefan Neufeind


15:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #59508 (Closed): List-view: Can't go back from table-filter if last record is deleted
Thanks for your testing. With that feedback I agree to declare it closed.
If somebody otherwise please speak up.
Stefan Neufeind


06:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #100354: Table Wizard: Excessive input-vars submitted (each cell separate)
Nice, thanks. Can we have that for v11 as well or did you actively decide against it? Stefan Neufeind


13:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #58857: Not possible to set the storagePid via "Record Storage Page"
Older explanation (2016) for a flexform-field "storagePid", which isn't there anymore. It could probably be re-added ... Stefan Neufeind
13:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #58857: Not possible to set the storagePid via "Record Storage Page"
Could this have to do with the removal of storagePid-functionality in TYPO3 7.4? From the changelog:
Stefan Neufeind

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