


Bug #19335 » rtehtmlarea_bugfix_9354.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-09-15 23:17

View differences:

typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/plugins/DynamicCSS/dynamiccss.css (copie de travail)
# Default css file for content edited with htmlArea RTE
# This file is DEPRECATED.
# Defines a few class selectors that can be simply taken as examples by anyone who needs to configure the RTE.
# This css file is referenced by property RTE.default.contentCSS in the default configuration of htmlArea RTE
# The default css file for content edited with htmlArea RTE is now: EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/default.css
# TYPO3 SVN ID: $Id$
# ***************************************************************************************/
typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/default.css (copie de travail)
# Default css file for content edited with htmlArea RTE
# Defines a few class selectors that can be simply taken as examples by anyone who needs to configure the RTE.
# This css file is referenced by property RTE.default.contentCSS in the default configuration of htmlArea RTE
# This css file is referenced by property RTE.default.contentCSS in the default configuration of htmlArea RTE.
# TYPO3 SVN ID: $Id: dynamiccss.css 2663 2007-11-05 09:22:23Z ingmars $
# TYPO3 SVN ID: $Id: default.css 2663 2007-11-05 09:22:23Z ingmars $
# ***************************************************************************************/
/* Left, center, right and justify alignment of text in block elements*/
a.internal-link {}
a.internal-link-new-window {} {}
a.mail {}
a.mail {}
/* Default selector for indentation.*/
div.indent { margin-left: 20px; }
typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/res/demo/pageTSConfig.txt (copie de travail)
showStatusBar = 1
## Add default example styles
## Left, center and right alignment of text in paragraphs and cells.
## Left, center, right and justify alignment of text in block elements
inlineStyle.text-alignment (
p.align-left, h1.align-left, h2.align-left, h3.align-left, h4.align-left, h5.align-left, h6.align-left, td.align-left { text-align: left; }
p.align-center, h1.align-center, h2.align-center, h3.align-center, h4.align-center, h5.align-center, h6.align-center, td.align-center { text-align: center; }
p.align-right, h1.align-right, h2.align-right, h3.align-right, h4.align-right, h5.align-right, h6.align-right, td.align-right { text-align: right; }
p.align-left, h1.align-left, h2.align-left, h3.align-left, h4.align-left, h5.align-left, h6.align-left, div.align-left, address.align-left { text-align: left; }
p.align-center, h1.align-center, h2.align-center, h3.align-center, h4.align-center, h5.align-center, h6.align-center, div.align-center, address.align-center { text-align: center; }
p.align-right, h1.align-right, h2.align-right, h3.align-right, h4.align-right, h5.align-right, h6.align-right, div.align-right, address.align-right { text-align: right; }
p.align-justify, h1.align-justify, h2.align-justify, h3.align-justify, h4.align-justify, h5.align-justify, h6.align-justify, div.align-justify, address.align-justify { text-align: justify; }
## Two frame examples taken from the example CSS file of CSS Styled Content extension and applied to p and table block elements.
inlineStyle.frames (
...... { color: #10007B; }
span.detail { color: #186900; }
## Default selectors for the default configuration of the link accessibity feature.
inlineStyle.accessibility (
a.external-link {}
a.external-link-new-window {}
a.internal-link {}
a.internal-link-new-window {} {}
a.mail {}
## Default selector for indentation.
inlineStyle.indentation (
div.indent { margin-left: 20px; }
## Use stylesheet file rather than the above mainStyleOverride and inlineStyle properties to style the contents (htmlArea RTE only)
## When RTE.default.contentCSS is not specified, file EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcsss/default.css is used.
ignoreMainStyleOverride = 1
## For this demo, do not remove font, strike and u tags
typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/res/typical/pageTSConfig.txt (copie de travail)
hidePStyleItems = pre,address
## Add default example styles
## The example styles included here make partial re-use of color scheme and frame scheme from CSS Styled Content extension
## Left, center and right alignment of text in paragraphs and cells.
## Left, center, right and justify alignment of text in block elements
inlineStyle.text-alignment (
p.align-left, h1.align-left, h2.align-left, h3.align-left, h4.align-left, h5.align-left, h6.align-left, td.align-left { text-align: left; }
p.align-center, h1.align-center, h2.align-center, h3.align-center, h4.align-center, h5.align-center, h6.align-center, td.align-center { text-align: center; }
p.align-right, h1.align-right, h2.align-right, h3.align-right, h4.align-right, h5.align-right, h6.align-right, td.align-right { text-align: right; }
p.align-left, h1.align-left, h2.align-left, h3.align-left, h4.align-left, h5.align-left, h6.align-left, div.align-left, address.align-left { text-align: left; }
p.align-center, h1.align-center, h2.align-center, h3.align-center, h4.align-center, h5.align-center, h6.align-center, div.align-center, address.align-center { text-align: center; }
p.align-right, h1.align-right, h2.align-right, h3.align-right, h4.align-right, h5.align-right, h6.align-right, div.align-right, address.align-right { text-align: right; }
p.align-justify, h1.align-justify, h2.align-justify, h3.align-justify, h4.align-justify, h5.align-justify, h6.align-justify, div.align-justify, address.align-justify { text-align: justify; }
## Two frame examples taken from the example CSS file of CSS Styled Content extension and applied to p and table block elements.
inlineStyle.frames (
...... { color: #10007B; }
span.detail { color: #186900; }
## Default selectors for the default configuration of the link accessibity feature.
inlineStyle.accessibility (
a.external-link {}
a.external-link-new-window {}
a.internal-link {}
a.internal-link-new-window {} {}
a.mail {}
## Default selector for indentation.
inlineStyle.indentation (
div.indent { margin-left: 20px; }
## Use stylesheet file rather than the above mainStyleOverride and inlineStyle properties to style the contents (htmlArea RTE only)
## Use stylesheet file rather than the above mainStyleOverride and inlineStyle properties to style the contents (htmlArea RTE only).
## When RTE.default.contentCSS is not specified, file EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcsss/default.css is used.
ignoreMainStyleOverride = 1
## List all class selectors that are allowed on the way to the database