


Feature #21565 » 12609.patch

Administrator Admin, 2009-11-16 13:19

View differences:

class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
$command = $this->scalecmd.' '.$info[0].'x'.$info[1].'! '.$params.' ';
$cropscale = ($data['crs'] ? 'crs-V'.$data['cropV'].'H'.$data['cropH'] : '');
// Filename's hash length with a minimum of 10 maximum of 32 is set by shortMD5
$im_filename_hash_length = max(10, intval($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im_filename_hash_length']));
if ($this->alternativeOutputKey) {
$theOutputName = t3lib_div::shortMD5($command.$cropscale.basename($imagefile).$this->alternativeOutputKey.$frame);
$theOutputName = t3lib_div::shortMD5($command.$cropscale.basename($imagefile).$this->alternativeOutputKey.$frame, $im_filename_hash_length);
} else {
$theOutputName = t3lib_div::shortMD5($command.$cropscale.$imagefile.filemtime($imagefile).$frame);
$theOutputName = t3lib_div::shortMD5($command.$cropscale.$imagefile.filemtime($imagefile).$frame, $im_filename_hash_length);
if ($this->imageMagickConvert_forceFileNameBody) {
$theOutputName = $this->imageMagickConvert_forceFileNameBody;
// Create levels for this filename based on the letters with a maximum depth of 5
$im_subdirectory_creation_levels = min(5, max(0, intval($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im_subdirectory_creation_levels'])));
// Protect against maximum of directorys being bigger then the filename
$im_subdirectory_creation_levels=min($im_subdirectory_creation_levels, $im_filename_hash_length);
// generate path for file
for($i=0; $i<$im_subdirectory_creation_levels;$i++) {
$directory.=substr($theOutputName, $i, 1).'/';
// Making the temporary filename:
$output = $this->absPrefix.$this->tempPath.'pics/'.$this->filenamePrefix.$theOutputName.'.'.$newExt;
$output = $this->absPrefix.$this->tempPath.$directory.$this->filenamePrefix.$theOutputName.'.'.$newExt;
// Register temporary filename:
// Making the temporary filename:
if (!@is_dir($tmpPath.$dirName)) {
return t3lib_div::mkdir($tmpPath.$dirName);
return t3lib_div::mkdir_deep($tmpPath,$dirName);
class.tslib_gifbuilder.php Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
function gifBuild() {
if ($this->setup) {
$gifFileName = $this->fileName('GB/'); // Relative to PATH_site
if (!file_exists($gifFileName)) { // File exists
// Filename's hash length with a minimum of 10 maximum of 32 is set by shortMD5
$gb_filename_hash_length = max(10, intval($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gb_filename_hash_length']));
// Get the filename
$filename=$this->fileName('', FALSE);
// Create levels for this filename based on the letters with a maximum depth of 5
$gb_subdirectory_creation_levels = min(5, max(0, intval($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gb_subdirectory_creation_levels'])));
// Protect against maximum of directorys being bigger then the filename
$gb_subdirectory_creation_levels=min($gb_subdirectory_creation_levels, $gb_filename_hash_length);
// generate path for file
for($i=0; $i<$gb_subdirectory_creation_levels;$i++) {
$directory.=substr($filename, $i, 1).'/';
// Calculate the new path to the file
if (!file_exists($pathImageFile)) {
// Create temporary directory if not done:
// Create file:
return $gifFileName;
return $pathImageFile;
* @return string The relative filepath (relative to PATH_site)
* @access private
function fileName($pre) {
function fileName($pre, $withTmpDirectorypath=TRUE) {
// Filename's hash length with a minimum of 10 maximum of 32 is set by shortMD5
$gb_filename_hash_length = max(10, intval($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gb_filename_hash_length']));
// WARNING: In PHP5 I discovered that rendering with freetype of Japanese letters was totally corrupt. Not only the wrong glyphs are printed but also some memory stack overflow resulted in strange additional chars - and finally the reason for this investigation: The Bounding box data was changing all the time resulting in new images being generated all the time. With PHP4 it works fine.
return $this->tempPath.
return ($withTmpDirectorypath?$this->tempPath:'').
($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['meaningfulTempFilePrefix'] ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fileNameASCIIPrefix(implode('_',array_merge($this->combinedTextStrings,$this->combinedFileNames)),intval($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['meaningfulTempFilePrefix']),'_') : '').
t3lib_div::shortMD5(serialize($this->setup), $gb_filename_hash_length).
config_default.php Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
'im_noFramePrepended' => FALSE, // Boolean. If set, the [x] frame indicator is NOT prepended to filenames in stdgraphic. Some IM5+ version didn't work at all with the typical [0]-prefix, which allow multipage pdf's and animated gif's to be scaled only for the first frame/page and that seriously cuts down rendering time. Set this flag only if your ImageMagick version cannot find the files. Notice that changing this flag causes temporary filenames to change, thus the server will begin scaling images again which were previously cached.
'im_stripProfileCommand' => '+profile \'*\'', // String. Specify the command to strip the profile information, which can reduce thumbnail size up to 60KB. Command can differ in IM/GM, IM also know the -strip command. See for details
'im_useStripProfileByDefault' => TRUE, // Boolean. If set, the im_stripProfileCommand is used with all IM Image operations by default. See tsRef for setting this parameter explocit for IMAGE generation.
'im_subdirectory_creation_levels' => 0, // Integer (0-5), Set the number of directorys will be created for storing the images in the 'GB/' directory. This is usefull when you need to process many images (>50.000) and you don't want to store them into one directory.
'im_filename_hash_length' => 10, // Integer (10-32), Set the length of the filename created for storing the image. This is usefull if you process many images (>50.000)and there is a resonable reason for filename clashes.
'gb_subdirectory_creation_levels' => 0, // Integer (0-5), Set the number of directorys will be created for storing the images in the 'pics/' directory. This is usefull when you need to process many images (>50.000) and you don't want to store them into one directory.
'gb_filename_hash_length' => 10, // Integer (10-32), Set the length of the filename created for storing the image. This is usefull if you process many images (>50.000)and there is a resonable reason for filename clashes.
'jpg_quality' => 70, // Integer. Default JPEG generation quality
'enable_typo3temp_db_tracking' => FALSE, // Boolean. If set, then all files in typo3temp will be logged in a database table. In addition to being a log of the files with original filenames, it also serves to secure that the same image is not rendered simultaneously by two different processes.
'TTFLocaleConv' => '', // String. Enter locale conversion string used to recode input to TrueType functions. Eg. 'cp1250..UTF-8'. Deprecated from ver. 3.6.0 of TYPO3. Set up [BE][forceCharset] as strings are automatically converted from database charset to UTF-8.