


Bug #22914 » better_english_v1.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-06-17 14:11

View differences:

typo3/sysext/context_help/locallang_csh_ttcontent.xml (working copy)
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index=".description">All visible content on webpages in TYPO3 is typically made by &quot;Pagecontent&quot; records. They are typically referred to as &quot;Content Elements&quot;. Often Content Elements are managed by the &quot;Page&quot; module which is designed to handle Content Elements in multiple columns and languages.</label>
<label index=".details">&quot;Pagecontent&quot; records is ordered and can thus be rearranged. Also notice that the &quot;Language&quot; and &quot;Column&quot; selector of the &quot;Pagecontent&quot; records determines where and in which situation they appear. If you do not change the value of the &quot;Language&quot; and &quot;Column&quot; selectors you are most sure that the element will appear by default.</label>
<label index=".description">All visible content on webpages in TYPO3 is typically made by &quot;Page content&quot; records. They are typically referred to as &quot;Content Elements&quot;. Often Content Elements are managed by the &quot;Page&quot; module which is designed to handle Content Elements in multiple columns and languages.</label>
<label index=".details">&quot;Page content&quot; records is ordered and can thus be rearranged. Also notice that the &quot;Language&quot; and &quot;Column&quot; selector of the &quot;Page content&quot; records determines where and in which situation they appear. If you do not change the value of the &quot;Language&quot; and &quot;Column&quot; selectors you are most sure that the element will appear by default.</label>
<label index="_.seeAlso">Page Content principles |,
<label index="_.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/ttcontent_1.png,
The Text type allows you to insert regular page content.
&lt;strong&gt;Text w/image&lt;/strong&gt;
&lt;strong&gt;Text with image&lt;/strong&gt;
This is the same as the Text type (regular page content) but with the option of attaching images.
The same as Text w/image but without the text field - so only images.
The same as Text with image but without the text field - so only images.
&lt;strong&gt;Bullet list&lt;/strong&gt;
Lets you create a bullet list. Each line in the text-field will appear as a single line in the bulletlist.
<label index="bodytext.details">Here you enter the body text of the content element. Usually you can use some HTML formatting tags, if you're using Internet Explorer you can even format the content visually.
The field is reused in most other types and so switching between the content element types will bring the value of this field with it.
When you're using this field with the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text w/image&quot; types, the content is used as ordinary body text. Each linebreak normally signifies a new paragraph, you can use the special TYPO3 tag, &amp;lt;LINK&amp;gt;, for making links. You can use many HTML tags but there are limitations as well. This will depend on the implementation.
When you're using this field with the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text with image&quot; types, the content is used as ordinary body text. Each linebreak normally signifies a new paragraph, you can use the special TYPO3 tag, &amp;lt;LINK&amp;gt;, for making links. You can use many HTML tags but there are limitations as well. This will depend on the implementation.
If the type is &quot;Bulletlist&quot; each line in this field is a bulletlist entry.
Types like &quot;Script&quot;, &quot;Form&quot; and &quot;Multimedia&quot; use this field for parameters you can pass to the element. And the &quot;HTML&quot; type accepts any input as raw HTML which is simply displayed on the website without any preprocessing.
&lt;strong&gt;Rich Text Editor:&lt;/strong&gt;
With the types &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text w/image&quot; the Rich Text editor is used for editing if your browser supports it and the editor is generally enabled in the system. Be aware that the content is &quot;cleansed&quot; before it goes into the database when you're using the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text w/image&quot; types.
With the types &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text with image&quot; the Rich Text editor is used for editing if your browser supports it and the editor is generally enabled in the system. Be aware that the content is &quot;cleansed&quot; before it goes into the database when you're using the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text w/image&quot; types.
&lt;b&gt;Making a mail form:&lt;/b&gt;
When you have selected the content element type &quot;Form&quot; you should enter lines of parameters into this field. This is a brief example:
<label index="text_align.description">Places the body text to the left, centered or to the right.</label>
<label index="text_align.details">See Pagecontent / Fontface for comments.
<label index="text_align.details">See Page content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_align.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="_text_face.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="text_size.description">Select a font size for the body text.</label>
<label index="text_size.details">See Pagecontent / Fontface for comments.
<label index="text_size.details">See Page content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_size.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="text_color.description">Select a color for the body text.</label>
<label index="text_color.details">See Pagecontent / Fontface for comments.
<label index="text_color.details">See Page content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_color.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
&amp;lt;i&amp;gt;&lt;em&gt;This is italics&lt;/em&gt;&amp;lt;i&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;u&amp;gt;&lt;u&gt;This is underlined&lt;/u&gt;&amp;lt;u&amp;gt;
See Pagecontent / Fontface for comments.
See Page content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_properties.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="image.details">You can attach images to the content element and almost as many as you like.
Depending on the configuration of TYPO3 you can even attach them in any format you like. Especially you do not need to worry about size and compression because these factors are normally handled by TYPO3 internally.
When you use the &quot;Text w/image&quot; type, it's important to select a proper position of the imageblock. For this purpose, use the Position selector which is displayed below (or if you click in the image list field in the Classic backend). See link to &quot;Pagecontent / Position&quot; below.
When you use the &quot;Text with image&quot; type, it's important to select a proper position of the imageblock. For this purpose, use the Position selector which is displayed below (or if you click in the image list field in the Classic backend). See link to &quot;Page content / Position&quot; below.
You can also display images in multiple columns and enable an option which enables a link so you can click the image and see a bigger version. Just to name a few options.
Most likely you don't have all options available. This depends on your permissions in the system.</label>
<label index="_image.seeAlso">tt_content:imagewidth,
<label index="image_link.description">Enter a link for the images.</label>
<label index="image_link.details">By default all images share the same link. However you may ask the administrator to configure the TypoScript template to allow a separate link for each image. If this is the case, you simply separate the link values by a comma.
See Pagecontent&gt;Link below for details on syntax.</label>
See Page content&gt;Link below for details on syntax.</label>
<label index="_image_link.seeAlso">tt_content:header_link,
Generates a classic tree sitemap. Maybe your TypoScript template is configured to another design of the sitemap, but anyhow you'll get a sitemap out of this. Notice that the sitemap will begin from the current page unless you specify another &quot;Startingpoint&quot; page in the list below.
&lt;strong&gt;Section index (pagecontent w/Index checked)&lt;/strong&gt;
&lt;strong&gt;Section index (page content with index checked)&lt;/strong&gt;
This makes a menu to the content elements on this page (or the page specified in the Starting point list). Great way to make an index in the top of the page.
Notice that all content elements with the &quot;Index&quot; checkbox set is selected. So if you don't want certain content elements to appear in the list, just un-check the Index checkbox for those elements.
<label index="sectionIndex.details">See details for the Menu-type selector (click below).</label>
<label index="_sectionIndex.seeAlso">tt_content:menu_type</label>
<label index="linkToTop.description">If checked, a little &quot;To top&quot; link will be inserted after the content element.</label>
<label index="rte_enabled.description">If checked, the Rich Text Editor will be disabled for the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text w/Image&quot; types (&lt;em&gt;in this element only&lt;/em&gt;).</label>
<label index="rte_enabled.description">If checked, the Rich Text Editor will be disabled for the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text with Image&quot; types (&lt;em&gt;in this element only&lt;/em&gt;).</label>
<label index="_rte_enabled.seeAlso">tt_content:bodytext</label>
<label index="pi_flexform.description">FlexForm Configuration of Plugins</label>
<label index="pi_flexform.details">Some plugins may require configuration of their options. They may use this field for FlexForm based configuration settings (stored as XML).</label>
typo3/sysext/t3editor/res/tsref/tsref.xml (working copy)
<type id="CARRAY+TDParams" extends="CARRAY" name="CARRAY+TDParams">
<property name="TDParams" type="string">
NOTE: This applies ONLY if "CARRAY +TDParams" is set to be data type
NOTE: This applies ONLY if "CARRAY +TDParams" is set to be data type
This property is used only in some cases where CARRAY is used. Please look out for a note about that in the various cases.
<type id="COA" extends="COBJ_ARRAY">
<type id="COA_INT" extends="COBJ_ARRAY">
<property name="includeLibs" type="stringList">
<description><![CDATA[list of resources(This property is used only if the object is COA_INT!, See introduction.)
<property name="gapLineCol" type="stdWrap">
<description><![CDATA[HTML-color /stdWrap
Line color]]></description>
Line color]]></description>
<property name="gapLineThickness" type="stdWrap">
<description><![CDATA[int /stdWrap
lineThickness of the dividerline in the gap between cells
lineThickness of the dividerline in the gap between cells
0 = no line]]></description>
<property name="gapWidth" type="stdWrap">
<description><![CDATA[int /stdWrap
Width of the gap between columns.
Width of the gap between columns.
0 = no gap]]></description>
<property name="rows" type="int">
<description><![CDATA[int (Range: 2-20)
The number of rows  in the columns.]]></description>
The number of rows  in the columns.]]></description>
<property name="stdWrap" type="stdWrap">
<type id="CONFIG">
<property name="ATagParams" type="string">
Additional parameters to all links in TYPO3 (excluding menu-links)
Additional parameters to all links in TYPO3 (excluding menu-links)
To blur links, insert:
<property name="MP_mapRootPoints" type="string">
<description><![CDATA[list of PIDs/string
Defines a list of ID numbers from which the MP-vars are automatically calculated for the branch.
Defines a list of ID numbers from which the MP-vars are automatically calculated for the branch.
The result is used just like MP_defaults are used to find MP-vars if none has been specified prior to the call to t3lib_tstemplate::linkData().
You can specify "root" as a special keyword in the list of IDs and that will create a map-tree for the whole site (but this may be VERY processing intensive if there are many pages!).
The order of IDs specified may have a significance; Any ID in a branch which is processed already (by a previous ID root point) will not be processed again.]]></description>
<property name="additionalHeaders" type="string">
<description><![CDATA[strings divided by &quot;|&quot;
This is additional headers. You separate each header by a vertical line "|".  Normally TYPO3 does not send any headers with the Header()-function in PHP.
This is additional headers. You separate each header by a vertical line "|".  Normally TYPO3 does not send any headers with the Header()-function in PHP.
Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml
<property name="admPanel" type="ADMPANEL">
<description><![CDATA[boolean / ADMPANEL properties
If set, the admin panel appears in the bottom of pages.
If set, the admin panel appears in the bottom of pages.
NOTE: In addition the panel must be enabled for the user as well, using the TSconfig for the user! See adminguide documentation.
<property name="beLoginLinkIPList" type="string">
If set and REMOTE_ADDR matches one of the listed IP-numbers (Wild-card, *, allowed) then a link to the typo3/ login scrip with redirect pointing back to the page is shown.
If set and REMOTE_ADDR matches one of the listed IP-numbers (Wild-card, *, allowed) then a link to the typo3/ login scrip with redirect pointing back to the page is shown.
NOTE: beLoginLinkIPList_login and/or beLoginLinkIPList_logout (see below) must be defined if the link should show up!]]></description>
<property name="cache_period" type="int">
<description><![CDATA[int, seconds
The number of second a page may remain in cache.
The number of second a page may remain in cache.
This value is overridden by the value set in the page-record (field="cache_timeout") if this value is greater than zero.]]></description>
<default><![CDATA[86400 (=24H)]]></default>
config.defaultgetVars {
test.var1.var2.p3 = 15
L = 3
test.var1.var2.p3 = 15
L = 3
<property name="method" type="string">
<property name="maxAge" type="string">
Pages with update-dates older than currenttime minus this number of seconds will not be shown in the menu no matter what. Default is "not used". You may use +-*/ for calculations.
...... = _top
page.2.1.wrap = <HR> | <HR>
page.2.1.NO {
linkWrap = | >
linkWrap = | >
... creates a menu like this:
<property name="targets" type="string">
<description><![CDATA[.targets.[0-x] targets
page.2 = HMENU
...... = _top
page.2.1.wrap = <HR> | <HR>
page.2.1.NO {
linkWrap = | >
linkWrap = | >
... creates a menu like this:
Page level 1 > Page level 2 > Page level 3 > Page level 4 >
(The menu starts at level 1 and does NOT link to the current page (-2 is the level before). Further all pages on level 3 will have "page" as target and all other "_top")
<property name="fields" type="string">
<description><![CDATA[.[itemnames].fields.[fieldname] (string)
override field "fieldname" in pagerecord.]]></description>
override field "fieldname" in pagerecord.]]></description>
<property name="applyTotalH" type="string">
<description><![CDATA[objNumsList (offset)
This adds the total height of the previously generated menuitems to the offset of the GifBuilderObj's mentioned in this list.
<property name="max" type="string">
<description><![CDATA[x,y (calcInt)"
Forces the menu as a whole to these maximum dimensions]]></description>
<property name="removeObjectsOfDummy" type="string">
If the menu is forced to a certain minimum dimension, this is a list of objects in the gifbuilder-object that is removed for this last item. This is important to do if the menuitems has elements that should only be applied if the item is actually a menuitem!!]]></description>
<property name="target" type="string">
Target of the menulinks]]></description>
<property name="ATagTitle" type="stdWrap">
<description><![CDATA[string /stdWrap
which defines the title attribute of the a-tag. (See TMENUITEM also)]]></description>
<property name="additionalParams" type="string">
<description><![CDATA[string /stdWrap
Define parameters that are added to the end of the URL. This must be code ready to insert after the last parameter.
For details, see typolink->additionalParams]]></description>
<property name="allWrap" type="stdWrap">
<description><![CDATA[wrap /stdWrap
Wraps the whole item]]></description>
<property name="imgParams" type="string">
Parameters for the <img>-tag]]></description>
<property name="foldSpeed" type="int">
<description><![CDATA[int, range 1-100
How many steps in an animation? Choose 1 for no animation.]]></description>
<property name="menuBackColor" type="string">
Background color behind menu. If not set, transparent (which will not work very well in case .foldSpeed is set to something else than 1. But see for yourself)]]></description>
<property name="menuOffset" type="string">
Offset of the menu main layer on the page. From upperleft corner]]></description>
<property name="hideMenuTimer" type="int">
This is the number of milliseconds to wait before the submenu will disappear if hideMenuWhenNotOver  is set]]></description>
<property name="hideMenuWhenNotOver" type="int">
If set (> 1) then the menu will hide it self whenever a user moves the cursor away from the menu. The value of this parameter determines the width (pixels) of the zone around the element until the mousepointer is considered to be far enough away to hide the layer.]]></description>
<property name="lockPosition" type="string">
<description><![CDATA["x" / "y" / ""
If this is set to "x" or "y" the menu on the layers is locked and does not follow the mouse-cursor (which it does if this is not set).
"x" or "y" defines respectively that the summed width (x) or height (y) is added to the x or y offset of the menu. That means that you should set this value to "x" if you have a horizontal GMENU_LAYERS and to "y" if you have a verical menu.]]></description>
1 {
mask = media/uploads/darkroom1_mask.jpg
bgImg {
XY = 100,100
backColor = {$bgCol}
bottomImg = GIFBUILDER
bottomImg {
XY = 100,100
backColor = black
bottomImg_mask = media/uploads/darkroom1_bottom.jpg
mask = media/uploads/darkroom1_mask.jpg
bgImg {
XY = 100,100
backColor = {$bgCol}
bottomImg = GIFBUILDER
bottomImg {
XY = 100,100
backColor = black
bottomImg_mask = media/uploads/darkroom1_bottom.jpg
NOTE: This cancels the jpg-quality settings sent as ordinary ".params" to the imgResource. In addition the output of this operation will always be jpg or gif!
NOTE: Works ONLY if IMAGE-obj is NOT GIFBUILDER]]></description>
page.27 {
contentWidth = 500
contentWidth = 500
label.field = header
label.field = header
head = some text
head.wrap = <B> | </B>
head = some text
head.wrap = <B> | </B>
This basically works like PHP_SCRIPT. But the vital difference is that inserting a PHP_SCRIPT_INT (internal opposed to external, see below) merely inserts a divider-string in the code and then serializes the current cObj and puts it in the $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->config["INTincScript"]-array. This array is saved with the cached page-content.
Now, the point is, that including a script like this lets you avoid disabling pagecaching. The reason is that the cached page contains the divider string and when a "static" page is fetched from cache, it's divided by that string and the dynamic content object is inserted.
This is the compromise option of all three PHP_SCRIPT-cObjects, because the page-data is all cached, but still the pagegen.php script is included, which initializes all the classes, objects and so. What you gain here is an environment for your script almost exactly the same as PHP_SCRIPT because your script is called from inside a class tslib_cObj object. You can work with all functions of the tslib_cObj-class. But still all the "static" pagecontent is only generated once, cached and only your script is dynamically rendered.
This is the compromise option of all three PHP_SCRIPT-cObjects, because the page-data is all cached, but still the pagegen.php script is included, which initializes all the classes, objects and so. What you gain here is an environment for your script almost exactly the same as PHP_SCRIPT because your script is called from inside a class tslib_cObj object. You can work with all functions of the tslib_cObj-class. But still all the "static" page content is only generated once, cached and only your script is dynamically rendered.
- calls to $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->set_no_cache() and $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->set_cache_timeout_default() makes no sense in this situation.
page.10 = TEMPLATEpage.10 { template = FILE template.file = fileadmin/template.html relPathPrefix = fileadmin/
relPathPrefix.IMG = fileadmin/img/}
relPathPrefix.IMG = fileadmin/img/}
Inthis example all relative paths found are prefixed "fileadmin/" unless it was the src attribute of an img tag in which case the path prefixed is "fileadmin/img/"]]></description>
subparts {
HELLO.value = En subpart er blevet erstattet!!
HELLO.value = En subpart er blevet erstattet!!
In the templates:
This is shown best by an example:
subparts {
MYLINK.value = <A href="#"> | </A>
MYLINK.value = <A href="#"> | </A>
In the template:
page.30 = USER
page.30 {
userFunc = user_various->listContentRecordsOnPage
reverseOrder = 1
userFunc = user_various->listContentRecordsOnPage
reverseOrder = 1
page.30 = USER
page.30 {
userFunc = user_various->listContentRecordsOnPage
reverseOrder = 1
userFunc = user_various->listContentRecordsOnPage
reverseOrder = 1
cssInline {
10 = TEXT
10.value = h1 {margin:15px;}
10 = TEXT
10.value = h1 {margin:15px;}
20 = TEXT
20.value = h1 span {color: blue;}
20 = TEXT
20.value = h1 span {color: blue;}
page.extOnReady {
10 = TEXT
10 = TEXT
10.value = Ext.Msg.alert("Typoscript Message","Hello World!");
10.value = Ext.Msg.alert("Typoscript Message","Hello World!");
includeCSS {
file1 = fileadmin/mystylesheet1.css
file1 = fileadmin/mystylesheet1.css
file2 = stylesheet_uploaded_to_template*.css
file2.title = High contrast = print
ie6Style = fileadmin/css/style3.css
ie6Style.allWrap = <!--[if lte IE 7]>|<![endif]-->
file2 = stylesheet_uploaded_to_template*.css
file2.title = High contrast = print
cooliris =
cooliris.external = 1
ie6Style = fileadmin/css/style3.css
ie6Style.allWrap = <!--[if lte IE 7]>|<![endif]-->
cooliris =
cooliris.external = 1
includeJS {
file1 = fileadmin/helloworld.js
file1.type = application/x-javascript
file2 = javascript_uploaded_to_template*.js
file1 = fileadmin/helloworld.js
file1.type = application/x-javascript
file2 = javascript_uploaded_to_template*.js
<property name="includeJSlibs" type="array">
<description><![CDATA[Adds JS library files to head of page.
<property name="includeJSFooterlibs" type="array">
<description><![CDATA[ Same as includeJSlibs above, except that this block gets included at the bottom of the page (just before the closing body tag).
inlineLanguageLabel {
label1 = 123
label2 = 456
label1 = 123
label2 = 456
will produce following source:
page.inlineSettings {
setting1 = Hello
setting2 = GoOnTop
setting1 = Hello
setting2 = GoOnTop
will produce following source:
<property name="insertClassesFromRTE" type="boolean">
<description><![CDATA[If set, the classes for the Rich Text Editor configured in Page TSconfig is inserted in as the first thing in the Style-section right after the setting of the stylesheet.
javascriptLibs {
# include prototype
Prototype = 1
# include Scriptaculous
Scriptaculous = 1
# include prototype
Prototype = 1
# adds modules dragdrop and controls to Scriptaculous
Scriptaculous.modules = dragdrop,controls
# include Scriptaculous
Scriptaculous = 1
# include ExtCore
ExtCore = 1
# adds modules dragdrop and controls to Scriptaculous
Scriptaculous.modules = dragdrop,controls
# include ExtCore debug file (uncompressed)
ExtCore.debug = 1
# include ExtCore
ExtCore = 1
# includes ExtJS
ExtJs = 1
# include ExtCore debug file (uncompressed)
ExtCore.debug = 1
# include ext-all.css
ExtJs.css = 1
# includes ExtJS
ExtJs = 1
# include default theme
ExtJs.theme = 1
# include ext-all.css
ExtJs.css = 1
# load specific adapter (jquery|prototype|yui)
ExtJs.adapter = ...
# include default theme
ExtJs.theme = 1
# initialize QuickTips
ExtJs.quickTips = 1
# load specific adapter (jquery|prototype|yui)
ExtJs.adapter = ...
# includes ExtJS debug file (uncompressed)
ExtJs.debug = 1
# initialize QuickTips
ExtJs.quickTips = 1
# includes ExtJS debug file (uncompressed)
ExtJs.debug = 1
<property name="jsInline" type="CARRAY">
<description><![CDATA[Use cObjects for creating inline JavaScript
addAttributes.P {
style=padding-bottom:0px; margin-top:1px; margin-bottom:1px;
style=padding-bottom:0px; margin-top:1px; margin-bottom:1px;
([tagname] is in uppercase.)
<description><![CDATA[This allows you to pre-split the content passed to parseFunc so that only content outside the blocks with the given tags is parsed.
Extra properties:
.[tagname] {
callRecursive = [boolean]; If set, the content of the block is directed into parseFunc again. Otherwise the content is just passed through with no other processing than stdWrap (see below)
callRecursive.dontWrapSelf = [boolean]; If set, the tags of the block is not wrapped around the content returned from parseFunc.
callRecursive.alternativeWrap = Alternative wrapping instead of the original tags.
callRecursive.tagStdWrap = ->stdWrap processing of the block-tags.
stdWrap = ->stdWrap processing of the whole block (regardless of whether callRecursive was set.)
stripNLprev = [boolean]; Strips off last linebreak of the previous outside block
stripNLnext = [boolean]; Strips off first linebreak of the next outside block
stripNL = [boolean]: Does both of the above.
callRecursive = [boolean]; If set, the content of the block is directed into parseFunc again. Otherwise the content is just passed through with no other processing than stdWrap (see below)
callRecursive.dontWrapSelf = [boolean]; If set, the tags of the block is not wrapped around the content returned from parseFunc.
callRecursive.alternativeWrap = Alternative wrapping instead of the original tags.
callRecursive.tagStdWrap = ->stdWrap processing of the block-tags.
stdWrap = ->stdWrap processing of the whole block (regardless of whether callRecursive was set.)
stripNLprev = [boolean]; Strips off last linebreak of the previous outside block
stripNLnext = [boolean]; Strips off first linebreak of the next outside block
stripNL = [boolean]: Does both of the above.
HTMLtableCells = [boolean]; If set, then the content is expected to be a table and every table-cell is traversed.
# Below, default is all cells and 1,2,3... overrides for specific cols.
HTMLtableCells.[default/1/2/3/...] {
callRecursive = [boolean]; The content is parsed through current parseFunc
stdWrap = ->stdWrap processing of the content in the cell
tagStdWrap = -> The <TD> tag is processed by ->stdWrap
HTMLtableCells.addChr10BetweenParagraphs = [boolean]; If set, then all </P><P> appearances will have a chr(10) inserted between them
HTMLtableCells = [boolean]; If set, then the content is expected to be a table and every table-cell is traversed.
# Below, default is all cells and 1,2,3... overrides for specific cols.
HTMLtableCells.[default/1/2/3/...] {
callRecursive = [boolean]; The content is parsed through current parseFunc
stdWrap = ->stdWrap processing of the content in the cell
tagStdWrap = -> The <TD> tag is processed by ->stdWrap
HTMLtableCells.addChr10BetweenParagraphs = [boolean]; If set, then all </P><P> appearances will have a chr(10) inserted between them
This example is used to split regular bodytext content so that tables and blockquotes in the bodytext are processed correctly. The blockquotes are passed into parseFunc again (recursively) and further their top/bottom margins are set to 0 (so no apparent linebreaks are seen)
The tables are also displayed with a number of properties of the cells overridden.
tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.externalBlocks {
blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser = 1
blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser { = margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;
blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser = 1
blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser { = margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;
table.stdWrap.HTMLparser = 1
table.stdWrap.HTMLparser {
tags.table.overrideAttribs = border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 style="margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;" = valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size : 10px;"
table.stdWrap.HTMLparser = 1
table.stdWrap.HTMLparser {
tags.table.overrideAttribs = border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 style="margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;" = valign=top bgcolor="#eeeeee" style="font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size : 10px;"
This substitutes all occurencies of "T3" with "TYPO3 CMS" and "T3web" with a link to
short {
T3web = <a href="">typo3</a>
T3web = <a href="">typo3</a>
Example (CARRAY used):
1 {
10 = TEXT
10.current = 1
10.wrap = <B> | </B>
20.height = 20
10 = TEXT
10.current = 1
10.wrap = <B> | </B>
20.height = 20
<description><![CDATA[Crops the content to a certain length
Syntax: +/- (chars) = from left / from right | [string] | [boolean: keep whole words]
20 | ... => max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to first 20 chars and prepended with "..."
-20 | ... => max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to last 20 chars and appended with "..."
20 | ... | 1 => max 20 characters. If more, the value will be truncated to last 20 chars and appended with "...". If the division is in the middle of a word, the remains of that word is removed.
page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
value = Hello World
postUserFunc = user_reverseString
postUserFunc.uppercase = 1
value = Hello World
postUserFunc = user_reverseString
postUserFunc.uppercase = 1
page.20 = TEXT
page.20 {
value = Hello World
postUserFunc = user_various->reverseString
postUserFunc.uppercase = 1
postUserFunc.typolink = 11
value = Hello World
postUserFunc = user_various->reverseString
postUserFunc.uppercase = 1
postUserFunc.typolink = 11
tags.bold = TEXT
tags.bold {
current = 1
wrap = <B> | </B>
current = 1
wrap = <B> | </B>
tags.bold.stripNL = 1]]></description>
The latter three is combined into the 'TAG' value after this formula:
<a href="'.$finalTagParts['url'].'"'.
The userfunction must return an <A>-tag.]]></description>
typo3/sysext/lang/locallang_csh_be_groups.xml (working copy)
Filemount records are also created in the page tree root.</label>
<label index="fileoper_perms.description">Select file operation permissions for the group members.</label>
<label index="fileoper_perms.details">These settings relate to the functions found in the File&gt;Filelist module as well as general upload of files.
&lt;strong&gt;Notice&lt;/strong&gt; that these settings apply to all members of this group and extend the users permissions accordingly.</label>
<label index="_fileoper_perms.seeAlso">be_groups:file_mountpoints,
<label index="_tables_modify.image">EXT:lang/cshimages/be_groups_10.png,
<label index="tables_modify.image_descr">The screen shot above shows how the &quot;Create new record&quot; dialog looks for a user limited to editing only &quot;Page&quot; and &quot;Pagecontent&quot; elements.
<label index="tables_modify.image_descr">The screen shot above shows how the &quot;Create new record&quot; dialog looks for a user limited to editing only &quot;Page&quot; and &quot;page content&quot; elements.
The two tables are simply added to the list of &quot;Tables (modify)&quot; in the group Access Lists.
This is (an example of) the full amount of elements that can be created on the page by the &quot;admin&quot; user for whom there are no restrictions.</label>
<label index="tables_select.description">Select which tables the members may see in record lists ('modify' tables does not need to be re-entered here!).</label>
<label index="subgroup.details">The properties of subgroups are added to the properties of this group and basically they will simply be added to the list of member groups of any user which is a member of this group.
This feature provides a great way to create 'Supervisor' user groups.</label>
<label index="explicit_allowdeny.description">Select field values to explicitly deny or allow for user group members.</label>
<label index="explicit_allowdeny.details">Selector box fields can be configured for access control on value level. This list represents all values that are configured for access control.
<label index="explicit_allowdeny.details">Selector box fields can be configured for access control on value level. This list represents all values that are configured for access control.
Each value can be configured to require either explicit access (Allow) or explicit denial (Deny). If a value has the prefix &quot;Allow&quot; (green icon) it means that by default users &lt;em&gt;cannot&lt;/em&gt; set this value unless they are member of a user group which explicitly allows it (by setting this checkbox).
If a value has the prefix &quot;Deny&quot; (red icon) it means that by default users can set this value unless they are member of a user group which explicitly denies it (by setting this checkbox).
The list is organized so values from the same selector box is listed together. If values from a selectorbox is not present in the allow/deny list it simply means they are not evaluated and hence they can be set by anyone having access to the field in general.</label>
typo3/sysext/lang/locallang_csh_corebe.xml (working copy)
<label index="list_module.image_descr">Here the page &quot;Cameras&quot; has been clicked in the page tree and in the right frame the Web&gt;List module shows the contents of the page. Here a single content element (Shop Plugin) is inserted in order to display the other items on the page which are three product records in this case.
If you enable &quot;Extended mode&quot; and the &quot;Clipboard&quot; you will get additional buttons in the interface to operate on the records shown here. Also notice how you can click any record icon to get a &quot;Clickmenu&quot; for the element.
Here you see the single-table mode active for the &quot;Pagecontent&quot; tabel (Content Elements). In the fieldbox the &quot;Hide&quot; field is selected to be included in the listing. If you click any of the edit icons (marked with red border) you will be able to edit [from left to right] a) all listed fields (here &quot;Header&quot; and &quot;Hide&quot;), b) full record or c) a single field (eg. &quot;Hide&quot;) for &lt;u&gt;only&lt;/u&gt; the selected records (defined by the checkboxes seen).</label>
Here you see the single-table mode active for the &quot;Page content&quot; table (Content Elements). In the fieldbox the &quot;Hide&quot; field is selected to be included in the listing. If you click any of the edit icons (marked with red border) you will be able to edit [from left to right] a) all listed fields (here &quot;Header&quot; and &quot;Hide&quot;), b) full record or c) a single field (eg. &quot;Hide&quot;) for &lt;u&gt;only&lt;/u&gt; the selected records (defined by the checkboxes seen).</label>
<label index="list_module_noId.alttitle">Web&gt;List module with no ID given</label>
<label index="list_module_noId.description">The Web&gt;List module must have a page ID passed to it before it can display any content. Please click a page title in the Page Tree.</label>
<label index="_list_module_noId.seeAlso">xMOD_csh_corebe:list_module</label>
typo3/sysext/cms/locallang_tca.xml (working copy)
<label index="pages.fe_login_mode.disableGroups">Allow logins, but not usergroups</label>
<label index="pages.fe_login_mode.enable">Enable</label>
<label index="pages.fe_login_mode.enableAgain">Enable logins again</label>
<label index="tt_content">Pagecontent</label>
<label index="tt_content">Page content</label>
<label index="fe_users">Website user</label>
<label index="fe_users.username">Username:</label>
<label index="fe_users.username">User name:</label>
<label index="fe_users.password">Password:</label>
<label index="fe_users.usergroup">Groups:</label>
<label index="fe_users.lockToDomain">Lock to domain:</label>
<label index="sys_domain.forced">Always prepend this domain in links:</label>
<label index="sys_template">Template</label>
<label index="sys_template.title">Template title:</label>
<label index="sys_template.root">Rootlevel:</label>
<label index="sys_template.root">Root level:</label>
<label index="sys_template.clear">Clear:</label>
<label index="sys_template.sitetitle">Website title:</label>
<label index="sys_template.constants">Constants:</label>
typo3/sysext/cms/locallang_ttc.xml (working copy)
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="CType.I.0">Header</label>
<label index="CType.I.1">Text</label>
<label index="CType.I.2">Text w/image</label>
<label index="CType.I.2">Text with image</label>
<label index="CType.I.3">Image</label>
<label index="CType.I.4">Bullet list</label>
<label index="CType.I.5">Table</label>
<label index="menu_type.I.2">Menu of subpages to these pages (with abstract)</label>
<label index="menu_type.I.3">Menu of subpages to these pages + sections</label>
<label index="menu_type.I.4">Sitemap</label>
<label index="menu_type.I.5">Section index (pagecontent w/Index checked)</label>
<label index="menu_type.I.5">Section index (page content with "Index" checked)</label>
<label index="menu_type.I.6">Recently updated pages</label>
<label index="menu_type.I.7">Related pages (based on keywords)</label>
<label index="list_type">Plugin:</label>
<label index="table_bgColor.I.8">Gray</label>
<label index="table_bgColor.I.9">Silver</label>
<label index="table_border">Border:</label>
<label index="table_cellspacing">Cellspacing:</label>
<label index="table_cellpadding">Cellpadding:</label>
<label index="table_cellspacing">Cell spacing:</label>
<label index="table_cellpadding">Cell padding:</label>
<label index="media">Files:</label>
<label index="multimedia">File:</label>
<label index="filelink_size">Show filesize:</label>
<label index="section_frame.I.6">Indent, 66/33%</label>
<label index="section_frame.I.7">Frame 1</label>
<label index="section_frame.I.8">Frame 2</label>
<label index="splash_layout">Textbox type:</label>
<label index="splash_layout">Text box type:</label>
<label index="splash_layout.I.1">Image Shadow</label>
<label index="splash_layout.I.2">Image Frame 1</label>
<label index="splash_layout.I.3">Image Frame 2</label>
<label index="">Send to page:</label>
<label index="pages.ALT.login">Send to page:</label>
<label index="bodytext.ALT.html">HTML:</label>
<label index="tabs.text">Text</label>
<label index="">Media</label>
<label index="tabs.text">Text</label>
<label index="">Media</label>
<label index="tabs.plugin">Plugin</label>
<label index="media.options">Media Options</label>
<label index="media.url">relative Path of Media File or URL</label>
typo3/sysext/version/locallang.xml (working copy)
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="title">Versioning</label>
<label index="title_review">Send to review/pub</label>
<label index="title_review">Send to review/publishing</label>
<label index="mlang_labels_tablabel">Page and content versioning and workspace management for pages.</label>
<label index="mlang_labels_tabdescr">The Web&gt;Versioning module provides access to versioning features for the page tree.</label>
<label index="mlang_tabs_tab">Versioning</label>