


Bug #24218 ยป 0016586_v1.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-11-28 01:18

View differences:

return TRUE;
} elseif ($this->useRecycler != 2) { // if $this->useRecycler==2 then we cannot delete for real!!
if (@is_file($theFile)) { // If we are deleting a file...
if ($this->actionPerms['deleteFile']) {
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
if (@unlink($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(4, 0, 1, 'File "%s" deleted', Array($theFile));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 110, 'Could not delete file "%s". Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 111, 'Target was not within your mountpoints! T="%s"', Array($theFile));
} else {
if (!$this->actionPerms['deleteFile']) {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 112, 'You are not allowed to delete files', '');
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 111, 'Target was not within your mountpoints! T="%s"', Array($theFile));
if (@unlink($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(4, 0, 1, 'File "%s" deleted', Array($theFile));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 110, 'Could not delete file "%s". Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile));
// FINISHED deleting file
} elseif (@is_dir($theFile)) { // if we're deleting a folder
if ($this->actionPerms['deleteFolder']) {
$theFile = $this->is_directory($theFile);
if ($theFile) {
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) { // I choose not to append '/' to $theFile here as this will prevent us from deleting mounts!! (which makes sense to me...)
if ($this->actionPerms['deleteFolderRecursively']) {
if (t3lib_div::rmdir($theFile, TRUE)) {
$this->writelog(4, 0, 2, 'Directory "%s" deleted recursively!', Array($theFile));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 2, 119, 'Directory "%s" WAS NOT deleted recursively! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile));
} else {
if (@rmdir($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(4, 0, 3, 'Directory "%s" deleted', Array($theFile));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 120, 'Could not delete directory! Write-permission problem? Is directory "%s" empty? (You are not allowed to delete directories recursively).', Array($theFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 121, 'Target was not within your mountpoints! T="%s"', Array($theFile));
if (!$this->actionPerms['deleteFolder']) {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 123, 'You are not allowed to delete directories', '');
$theFile = $this->is_directory($theFile);
if (!$theFile) {
$this->writelog(4, 2, 122, 'Target seemed not to be a directory! (Shouldn\'t happen here!)', '');
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 121, 'Target was not within your mountpoints! T="%s"', Array($theFile));
// I choose not to append '/' to $theFile here as this will prevent us from deleting mounts!! (which makes sense to me...)
if ($this->actionPerms['deleteFolderRecursively']) {
if (t3lib_div::rmdir($theFile, TRUE)) {
$this->writelog(4, 0, 2, 'Directory "%s" deleted recursively!', Array($theFile));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 2, 122, 'Target seemed not to be a directory! (Shouldn\'t happen here!)', '');
$this->writelog(4, 2, 119, 'Directory "%s" WAS NOT deleted recursively! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 123, 'You are not allowed to delete directories', '');
if (@rmdir($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(4, 0, 3, 'Directory "%s" deleted', Array($theFile));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(4, 1, 120, 'Could not delete directory! Write-permission problem? Is directory "%s" empty? (You are not allowed to delete directories recursively).', Array($theFile));
// FINISHED copying directory
// Processing of file or directory.
if (@is_file($theFile)) { // If we are copying a file...
if ($this->actionPerms['copyFile']) {
if (filesize($theFile) < ($this->maxCopyFileSize * 1024)) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if ($theDestFile && !file_exists($theDestFile)) {
if ($this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $theDest, $fI['file'])) {
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) && $this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
if ($this->PHPFileFunctions) {
copy($theFile, $theDestFile);
} else {
$cmd = 'cp "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
if (@is_file($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 0, 1, 'File "%s" copied to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 2, 109, 'File "%s" WAS NOT copied to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 110, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 111, 'Extension of file name "%s" is not allowed in "%s"!', Array($fI['file'], $theDest . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 112, 'File "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 113, 'File "%s" exceeds the size-limit of %s bytes', Array($theFile, $this->maxCopyFileSize * 1024));
} else {
if (!$this->actionPerms['copyFile']) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 114, 'You are not allowed to copy files', '');
return FALSE;
if (filesize($theFile) >= ($this->maxCopyFileSize * 1024)) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 113, 'File "%s" exceeds the size-limit of %s bytes', Array($theFile, $this->maxCopyFileSize * 1024));
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if (!$theDestFile || file_exists($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 112, 'File "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $theDest, $fI['file'])) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 111, 'Extension of file name "%s" is not allowed in "%s"!', Array($fI['file'], $theDest . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) || !$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 110, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
if ($this->PHPFileFunctions) {
copy($theFile, $theDestFile);
} else {
$cmd = 'cp "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
if (@is_file($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 0, 1, 'File "%s" copied to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 2, 109, 'File "%s" WAS NOT copied to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
// FINISHED copying file
} elseif (@is_dir($theFile) && !$this->dont_use_exec_commands) { // if we're copying a folder
if ($this->actionPerms['copyFolder']) {
$theFile = $this->is_directory($theFile);
if ($theFile) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if ($theDestFile && !file_exists($theDestFile)) {
if (!t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/')) { // Check if the one folder is inside the other or on the same level... to target/dest is the same?
if ($this->checkIfFullAccess($theDest) || $this->is_webPath($theDestFile) == $this->is_webPath($theFile)) { // no copy of folders between spaces
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) && $this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
// No way to do this under windows!
$cmd = 'cp -R "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
if (@is_dir($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 0, 2, 'Directory "%s" copied to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 2, 119, 'Directory "%s" WAS NOT copied to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 120, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 121, 'You don\'t have full access to the destination directory "%s"!', Array($theDest . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 122, 'Destination cannot be inside the target! D="%s", T="%s"', Array($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 123, 'Target "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 2, 124, 'Target seemed not to be a directory! (Shouldn\'t happen here!)', '');
} else {
if (!$this->actionPerms['copyFolder']) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 125, 'You are not allowed to copy directories', '');
return FALSE;
$theFile = $this->is_directory($theFile);
if (!$theFile) {
$this->writelog(2, 2, 124, 'Target seemed not to be a directory! (Shouldn\'t happen here!)', '');
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if (!$theDestFile || file_exists($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 123, 'Target "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
return FALSE;
if (!t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/')) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 122, 'Destination cannot be inside the target! D="%s", T="%s"', Array($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/'));
return FALSE;
// Check if the one folder is inside the other or on the same level... to target/dest is the same?
if ($this->checkIfFullAccess($theDest) || $this->is_webPath($theDestFile) == $this->is_webPath($theFile)) { // no copy of folders between spaces
$this->writelog(2, 1, 121, 'You don\'t have full access to the destination directory "%s"!', Array($theDest . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) || !$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 1, 120, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
// No way to do this under windows!
$cmd = 'cp -R "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
if (@is_dir($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(2, 0, 2, 'Directory "%s" copied to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(2, 2, 119, 'Directory "%s" WAS NOT copied to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
// FINISHED copying directory
// Processing of file or directory:
if (@is_file($theFile)) { // If we are moving a file...
if ($this->actionPerms['moveFile']) {
if (filesize($theFile) < ($this->maxMoveFileSize * 1024)) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if ($theDestFile && !file_exists($theDestFile)) {
if ($this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $theDest, $fI['file'])) {
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) && $this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
if ($this->PHPFileFunctions) {
@rename($theFile, $theDestFile);
} else {
$cmd = 'mv "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
if (@is_file($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 0, 1, 'File "%s" moved to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 2, 109, 'File "%s" WAS NOT moved to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 110, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 111, 'Extension of file name "%s" is not allowed in "%s"!', Array($fI['file'], $theDest . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 112, 'File "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 113, 'File "%s" exceeds the size-limit of %s bytes', Array($theFile, $this->maxMoveFileSize * 1024));
} else {
if (!$this->actionPerms['moveFile']) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 114, 'You are not allowed to move files', '');
return FALSE;
if (filesize($theFile) >= ($this->maxMoveFileSize * 1024)) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 113, 'File "%s" exceeds the size-limit of %s bytes', Array($theFile, $this->maxMoveFileSize * 1024));
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if (!$theDestFile || file_exists($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 112, 'File "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $theDest, $fI['file'])) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 111, 'Extension of file name "%s" is not allowed in "%s"!', Array($fI['file'], $theDest . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) || !$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 110, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
if ($this->PHPFileFunctions) {
@rename($theFile, $theDestFile);
} else {
$cmd = 'mv "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
if (@is_file($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 0, 1, 'File "%s" moved to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 2, 109, 'File "%s" WAS NOT moved to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
// FINISHED moving file
} elseif (@is_dir($theFile)) { // if we're moving a folder
if ($this->actionPerms['moveFolder']) {
$theFile = $this->is_directory($theFile);
if ($theFile) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if ($theDestFile && !file_exists($theDestFile)) {
if (!t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/')) { // Check if the one folder is inside the other or on the same level... to target/dest is the same?
if ($this->checkIfFullAccess($theDest) || $this->is_webPath($theDestFile) == $this->is_webPath($theFile)) { // // no moving of folders between spaces
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) && $this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
if ($this->PHPFileFunctions) {
@rename($theFile, $theDestFile);
} else {
$cmd = 'mv "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
$errArr = array();
$retVar = 0;
exec($cmd, $errArr, $retVar);
if (@is_dir($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 0, 2, 'Directory "%s" moved to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 2, 119, 'Directory "%s" WAS NOT moved to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 120, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 121, 'You don\'t have full access to the destination directory "%s"!', Array($theDest . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 122, 'Destination cannot be inside the target! D="%s", T="%s"', Array($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 123, 'Target "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 2, 124, 'Target seemed not to be a directory! (Shouldn\'t happen here!)', '');
} else {
if (!$this->actionPerms['moveFolder']) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 125, 'You are not allowed to move directories', '');
return FALSE;
$theFile = $this->is_directory($theFile);
if (!$theFile) {
$this->writelog(3, 2, 124, 'Target seemed not to be a directory! (Shouldn\'t happen here!)', '');
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if ($altName) { // If altName is set, we're allowed to create a new filename if the file already existed
$theDestFile = $this->getUniqueName($fI['file'], $theDest);
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theDestFile);
} else {
$theDestFile = $theDest . '/' . $fI['file'];
if (!$theDestFile || file_exists($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 123, 'Target "%s" already exists!', Array($theDestFile));
return FALSE;
if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/')) { // Check if the one folder is inside the other or on the same level... to target/dest is the same?
$this->writelog(3, 1, 122, 'Destination cannot be inside the target! D="%s", T="%s"', Array($theDestFile . '/', $theFile . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkIfFullAccess($theDest) && $this->is_webPath($theDestFile) != $this->is_webPath($theFile)) { // // no moving of folders between spaces
$this->writelog(3, 1, 121, 'You don\'t have full access to the destination directory "%s"!', Array($theDest . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDestFile) || !$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 1, 120, 'Target or destination was not within your mountpoints! T="%s", D="%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
if ($this->PHPFileFunctions) {
@rename($theFile, $theDestFile);
} else {
$cmd = 'mv "' . $theFile . '" "' . $theDestFile . '"';
$errArr = array();
$retVar = 0;
exec($cmd, $errArr, $retVar);
if (@is_dir($theDestFile)) {
$this->writelog(3, 0, 2, 'Directory "%s" moved to "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return $theDestFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(3, 2, 119, 'Directory "%s" WAS NOT moved to "%s"! Write-permission problem?', Array($theFile, $theDestFile));
return FALSE;
// FINISHED moving directory
$theNewName = $this->cleanFileName($cmds['data']);
if ($theNewName) {
if ($this->checkFileNameLen($theNewName)) {
$theTarget = $cmds['target'];
$type = filetype($theTarget);
if ($type == 'file' || $type == 'dir') { // $type MUST BE file or dir
$fileInfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget); // Fetches info about path, name, extention of $theTarget
if ($fileInfo['file'] != $theNewName) { // The name should be different from the current. And the filetype must be allowed
$theRenameName = $fileInfo['path'] . $theNewName;
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($fileInfo['path'])) {
if (!file_exists($theRenameName)) {
if ($type == 'file') {
if ($this->actionPerms['renameFile']) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theRenameName);
if ($this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $fileInfo['path'], $fI['file'])) {
if (@rename($theTarget, $theRenameName)) {
$this->writelog(5, 0, 1, 'File renamed from "%s" to "%s"', Array($fileInfo['file'], $theNewName));
return $theRenameName;
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 100, 'File "%s" was not renamed! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget, $fileInfo['path']));
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 101, 'Extension of file name "%s" was not allowed!', Array($fI['file']));
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 102, 'You are not allowed to rename files!', '');
} elseif ($type == 'dir') {
if ($this->actionPerms['renameFolder']) {
if (@rename($theTarget, $theRenameName)) {
$this->writelog(5, 0, 2, 'Directory renamed from "%s" to "%s"', Array($fileInfo['file'], $theNewName));
return $theRenameName;
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 110, 'Directory "%s" was not renamed! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget, $fileInfo['path']));
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 111, 'You are not allowed to rename directories!', '');
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 120, 'Destination "%s" existed already!', Array($theRenameName));
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 121, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($fileInfo['path']));
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 122, 'Old and new name is the same (%s)', Array($theNewName));
if (!$theNewName) {
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkFileNameLen($theNewName)) {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 124, 'New name "%s" was too long (max %s characters)', Array($theNewName, $this->maxInputNameLen));
$theTarget = $cmds['target'];
$type = filetype($theTarget);
if ($type != 'file' && $type != 'dir') { // $type MUST BE file or dir
$this->writelog(5, 2, 123, 'Target "%s" was neither a directory nor a file!', Array($theTarget));
return FALSE;
$fileInfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget); // Fetches info about path, name, extention of $theTarget
if ($fileInfo['file'] == $theNewName) { // The name should be different from the current. And the filetype must be allowed
$this->writelog(5, 1, 122, 'Old and new name is the same (%s)', Array($theNewName));
return FALSE;
$theRenameName = $fileInfo['path'] . $theNewName;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($fileInfo['path'])) {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 121, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($fileInfo['path']));
return FALSE;
if (file_exists($theRenameName)) {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 120, 'Destination "%s" existed already!', Array($theRenameName));
return FALSE;
switch ($type) {
case 'file':
if (!$this->actionPerms['renameFile']) {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 102, 'You are not allowed to rename files!', '');
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theRenameName);
if (!$this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $fileInfo['path'], $fI['file'])) {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 101, 'Extension of file name "%s" was not allowed!', Array($fI['file']));
return FALSE;
if (@rename($theTarget, $theRenameName)) {
$this->writelog(5, 0, 1, 'File renamed from "%s" to "%s"', Array($fileInfo['file'], $theNewName));
return $theRenameName;
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 2, 123, 'Target "%s" was neither a directory nor a file!', Array($theTarget));
$this->writelog(5, 1, 100, 'File "%s" was not renamed! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget, $fileInfo['path']));
return FALSE;
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 124, 'New name "%s" was too long (max %s characters)', Array($theNewName, $this->maxInputNameLen));
case 'dir':
if (!$this->actionPerms['renameFolder']) {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 111, 'You are not allowed to rename directories!', '');
return FALSE;
if (@rename($theTarget, $theRenameName)) {
$this->writelog(5, 0, 2, 'Directory renamed from "%s" to "%s"', Array($fileInfo['file'], $theNewName));
return $theRenameName;
} else {
$this->writelog(5, 1, 110, 'Directory "%s" was not renamed! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget, $fileInfo['path']));
return FALSE;
$theFolder = $this->cleanFileName($cmds['data']);
if (isset($theFolder) && trim($theFolder) != '') {
if ($this->checkFileNameLen($theFolder)) {
$theTarget = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Check the target dir
if ($theTarget) {
if ($this->actionPerms['newFolder']) {
$theNewFolder = $theTarget . '/' . $theFolder;
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theNewFolder)) {
if (!file_exists($theNewFolder)) {
if (t3lib_div::mkdir($theNewFolder)) {
$this->writelog(6, 0, 1, 'Directory "%s" created in "%s"', Array($theFolder, $theTarget . '/'));
return $theNewFolder;
} else {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 100, 'Directory "%s" not created. Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theFolder, $theTarget . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 101, 'File or directory "%s" existed already!', Array($theNewFolder));
} else {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 102, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 103, 'You are not allowed to create directories!', '');
} else {
$this->writelog(6, 2, 104, 'Destination "%s" was not a directory', Array($cmds['target']));
} else {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 105, 'New name "%s" was too long (max %s characters)', Array($theFolder, $this->maxInputNameLen));
if (!isset($theFolder) || trim($theFolder) == '') {
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkFileNameLen($theFolder)) {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 105, 'New name "%s" was too long (max %s characters)', Array($theFolder, $this->maxInputNameLen));
return FALSE;
$theTarget = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Check the target dir
if (!$theTarget) {
$this->writelog(6, 2, 104, 'Destination "%s" was not a directory', Array($cmds['target']));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->actionPerms['newFolder']) {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 103, 'You are not allowed to create directories!', '');
return FALSE;
$theNewFolder = $theTarget . '/' . $theFolder;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theNewFolder)) {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 102, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (file_exists($theNewFolder)) {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 101, 'File or directory "%s" existed already!', Array($theNewFolder));
return FALSE;
if (t3lib_div::mkdir($theNewFolder)) {
$this->writelog(6, 0, 1, 'Directory "%s" created in "%s"', Array($theFolder, $theTarget . '/'));
return $theNewFolder;
} else {
$this->writelog(6, 1, 100, 'Directory "%s" not created. Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theFolder, $theTarget . '/'));
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
$newName = $this->cleanFileName($cmds['data']);
if ($newName) {
if ($this->checkFileNameLen($newName)) {
$theTarget = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Check the target dir
$fileInfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget); // Fetches info about path, name, extention of $theTarget
if ($theTarget) {
if ($this->actionPerms['newFile']) {
$theNewFile = $theTarget . '/' . $newName;
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theNewFile)) {
if (!file_exists($theNewFile)) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theNewFile);
if ($this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $fileInfo['path'], $fI['file'])) {
if (t3lib_div::inList($extList, $fI['fileext'])) {
if (t3lib_div::writeFile($theNewFile, '')) {
$this->writelog(8, 0, 1, 'File created: "%s"', Array($fI['file']));
return $theNewFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 100, 'File "%s" was not created! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($fI['file'], $theTarget));
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 107, 'File extension "%s" is not a textfile format! (%s)', Array($fI['fileext'], $extList));
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 106, 'Extension of file name "%s" was not allowed!', Array($fI['file']));
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 101, 'File "%s" existed already!', Array($theNewFile));
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 102, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 103, 'You are not allowed to create files!', '');
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 2, 104, 'Destination "%s" was not a directory', Array($cmds['target']));
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 105, 'New name "%s" was too long (max %s characters)', Array($newName, $this->maxInputNameLen));
if (!$newName) {
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkFileNameLen($newName)) {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 105, 'New name "%s" was too long (max %s characters)', Array($newName, $this->maxInputNameLen));
return FALSE;
$theTarget = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Check the target dir
$fileInfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget); // Fetches info about path, name, extention of $theTarget
if (!$theTarget) {
$this->writelog(8, 2, 104, 'Destination "%s" was not a directory', Array($cmds['target']));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->actionPerms['newFile']) {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 103, 'You are not allowed to create files!', '');
return FALSE;
$theNewFile = $theTarget . '/' . $newName;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theNewFile)) {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 102, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (file_exists($theNewFile)) {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 101, 'File "%s" existed already!', Array($theNewFile));
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theNewFile);
if (!$this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $fileInfo['path'], $fI['file'])) {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 106, 'Extension of file name "%s" was not allowed!', Array($fI['file']));
return FALSE;
if (!t3lib_div::inList($extList, $fI['fileext'])) {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 107, 'File extension "%s" is not a textfile format! (%s)', Array($fI['fileext'], $extList));
return FALSE;
if (t3lib_div::writeFile($theNewFile, '')) {
$this->writelog(8, 0, 1, 'File created: "%s"', Array($fI['file']));
return $theNewFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(8, 1, 100, 'File "%s" was not created! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($fI['file'], $theTarget));
return FALSE;
$content = $cmds['data'];
$extList = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['textfile_ext'];
$type = filetype($theTarget);
if ($type == 'file') { // $type MUST BE file
$fileInfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget); // Fetches info about path, name, extention of $theTarget
$fI = $fileInfo;
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($fileInfo['path'])) {
if ($this->actionPerms['editFile']) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget);
if ($this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $fileInfo['path'], $fI['file'])) {
if (t3lib_div::inList($extList, $fileInfo['fileext'])) {
if (t3lib_div::writeFile($theTarget, $content)) {
$this->writelog(9, 0, 1, 'File saved to "%s", bytes: %s, MD5: %s ', Array($fileInfo['file'], @filesize($theTarget), md5($content)));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 100, 'File "%s" was not saved! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget, $fileInfo['path']));
} else {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 102, 'File extension "%s" is not a textfile format! (%s)', Array($fI['fileext'], $extList));
} else {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 103, 'Extension of file name "%s" was not allowed!', Array($fI['file']));
} else {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 104, 'You are not allowed to edit files!', '');
} else {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 121, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($fileInfo['path']));
} else {
if ($type != 'file') { // $type MUST BE file
$this->writelog(9, 2, 123, 'Target "%s" was not a file!', Array($theTarget));
return FALSE;
$fileInfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget); // Fetches info about path, name, extention of $theTarget
$fI = $fileInfo;
if (!$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($fileInfo['path'])) {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 121, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($fileInfo['path']));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->actionPerms['editFile']) {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 104, 'You are not allowed to edit files!', '');
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theTarget);
if (!$this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $fileInfo['path'], $fI['file'])) {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 103, 'Extension of file name "%s" was not allowed!', Array($fI['file']));
return FALSE;
if (!t3lib_div::inList($extList, $fileInfo['fileext'])) {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 102, 'File extension "%s" is not a textfile format! (%s)', Array($fI['fileext'], $extList));
return FALSE;
if (t3lib_div::writeFile($theTarget, $content)) {
$this->writelog(9, 0, 1, 'File saved to "%s", bytes: %s, MD5: %s ', Array($fileInfo['file'], @filesize($theTarget), md5($content)));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(9, 1, 100, 'File "%s" was not saved! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget, $fileInfo['path']));
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
$id = $cmds['data'];
if ($_FILES['upload_' . $id]['name']) {
$theFile = $_FILES['upload_' . $id]['tmp_name']; // filename of the uploaded file
$theFileSize = $_FILES['upload_' . $id]['size']; // filesize of the uploaded file
$theName = $this->cleanFileName(stripslashes($_FILES['upload_' . $id]['name']), (isset($cmds['charset']) ? $cmds['charset'] : '')); // The original filename
if (is_uploaded_file($theFile) && $theName) { // Check the file
if ($this->actionPerms['uploadFile']) {
if ($theFileSize < ($this->maxUploadFileSize * 1024)) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theName);
$theTarget = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Check the target dir
if ($theTarget && $this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theTarget . '/')) {
if ($this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $theTarget, $fI['file'])) {
$theNewFile = $this->getUniqueName($theName, $theTarget, $this->dontCheckForUnique);
if ($theNewFile) {
t3lib_div::upload_copy_move($theFile, $theNewFile);
if (@is_file($theNewFile)) {
$this->internalUploadMap[$id] = $theNewFile;
$this->writelog(1, 0, 1, 'Uploading file "%s" to "%s"', Array($theName, $theNewFile, $id));
return $theNewFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 100, 'Uploaded file could not be moved! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 101, 'No unique filename available in "%s"!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 102, 'Extension of file name "%s" is not allowed in "%s"!', Array($fI['file'], $theTarget . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 103, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 104, 'The uploaded file exceeds the size-limit of %s bytes', Array($this->maxUploadFileSize * 1024));
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 105, 'You are not allowed to upload files!', '');
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 2, 106, 'The upload has failed, no uploaded file found!', '');
} else {
if (!$_FILES['upload_' . $id]['name']) {
$this->writelog(1, 2, 108, 'No file was uploaded!', '');
return FALSE;
$theFile = $_FILES['upload_' . $id]['tmp_name']; // filename of the uploaded file
$theFileSize = $_FILES['upload_' . $id]['size']; // filesize of the uploaded file
$theName = $this->cleanFileName(stripslashes($_FILES['upload_' . $id]['name']), (isset($cmds['charset']) ? $cmds['charset'] : '')); // The original filename
if (!is_uploaded_file($theFile) || !$theName) { // Check the file
$this->writelog(1, 2, 106, 'The upload has failed, no uploaded file found!', '');
return FALSE;
if (!$this->actionPerms['uploadFile']) {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 105, 'You are not allowed to upload files!', '');
return FALSE;
if ($theFileSize >= ($this->maxUploadFileSize * 1024)) {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 104, 'The uploaded file exceeds the size-limit of %s bytes', Array($this->maxUploadFileSize * 1024));
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theName);
$theTarget = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Check the target dir
if (!$theTarget || !$this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theTarget . '/')) {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 103, 'Destination path "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkIfAllowed($fI['fileext'], $theTarget, $fI['file'])) {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 102, 'Extension of file name "%s" is not allowed in "%s"!', Array($fI['file'], $theTarget . '/'));
return FALSE;
$theNewFile = $this->getUniqueName($theName, $theTarget, $this->dontCheckForUnique);
if (!$theNewFile) {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 101, 'No unique filename available in "%s"!', Array($theTarget . '/'));
return FALSE;
t3lib_div::upload_copy_move($theFile, $theNewFile);
if (@is_file($theNewFile)) {
$this->internalUploadMap[$id] = $theNewFile;
$this->writelog(1, 0, 1, 'Uploading file "%s" to "%s"', Array($theName, $theNewFile, $id));
return $theNewFile;
} else {
$this->writelog(1, 1, 100, 'Uploaded file could not be moved! Write-permission problem in "%s"?', Array($theTarget . '/'));
return FALSE;
$theFile = $cmds['data'];
if (@is_file($theFile)) {
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if (!isset($cmds['target'])) {
$cmds['target'] = $fI['path'];
$theDest = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Clean up destination directory
if ($theDest) {
if ($this->actionPerms['unzipFile']) {
if ($fI['fileext'] == 'zip') {
if ($this->checkIfFullAccess($theDest)) {
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile) && $this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDest . '/')) {
// No way to do this under windows.
$cmd = $this->unzipPath . 'unzip -qq "' . $theFile . '" -d "' . $theDest . '"';
$this->writelog(7, 0, 1, 'Unzipping file "%s" in "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDest));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 100, 'File "%s" or destination "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theFile, $theDest));
} else {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 101, 'You don\'t have full access to the destination directory "%s"!', Array($theDest));
} else {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 102, 'File extension is not "zip"', '');
} else {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 103, 'You are not allowed to unzip files', '');
} else {
$this->writelog(7, 2, 104, 'Destination "%s" was not a directory', Array($cmds['target']));
} else {
if (!@is_file($theFile)) {
$this->writelog(7, 2, 105, 'The file "%s" did not exist!', Array($theFile));
return FALSE;
$fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($theFile);
if (!isset($cmds['target'])) {
$cmds['target'] = $fI['path'];
$theDest = $this->is_directory($cmds['target']); // Clean up destination directory
if (!$theDest) {
$this->writelog(7, 2, 104, 'Destination "%s" was not a directory', Array($cmds['target']));
return FALSE;
if (!$this->actionPerms['unzipFile']) {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 103, 'You are not allowed to unzip files', '');
return FALSE;
if ($fI['fileext'] != 'zip') {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 102, 'File extension is not "zip"', '');
return FALSE;
if (!$this->checkIfFullAccess($theDest)) {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 101, 'You don\'t have full access to the destination directory "%s"!', Array($theDest));
return FALSE;
if ($this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theFile) && $this->checkPathAgainstMounts($theDest . '/')) {
// No way to do this under windows.
$cmd = $this->unzipPath . 'unzip -qq "' . $theFile . '" -d "' . $theDest . '"';
$this->writelog(7, 0, 1, 'Unzipping file "%s" in "%s"', Array($theFile, $theDest));
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->writelog(7, 1, 100, 'File "%s" or destination "%s" was not within your mountpoints!', Array($theFile, $theDest));
return FALSE;