


Bug #24770 ยป 17265_v2.diff

Administrator Admin, 2011-01-24 14:19

View differences:

typo3/sysext/lang/lang.php (working copy)
// Traverse all keys
if (is_array($LOCAL_LANG['default'])) {
foreach ($LOCAL_LANG['default'] as $lkey => $lVal) {
$type = '';
$fieldName = '';
// exploding by '.':
// 0 => fieldname,
// 1 => type from (alttitle, description, details, syntax, image_descr,image,seeAlso),
// 2 => special instruction, see switch construct
$kParts = explode('.', $lkey);
// Exploding by '.':
// 0-n => fieldname,
// n+1 => type from (alttitle, description, details, syntax, image_descr,image,seeAlso),
// n+2 => special instruction, if any
$keyParts = explode('.', $lkey);
$keyPartsCount = count($keyParts);
// Check if last part is special instruction
// Only "+" is currently supported
$specialInstruction = ($keyParts[$keyPartsCount - 1] == '+') ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ($specialInstruction) {
// If there are more than 2 parts, get the type from the last part
// and merge back the other parts with a dot (.)
// Otherwise just get type and field name straightaway
if ($keyPartsCount > 2) {
$type = array_pop($keyParts);
$fieldName = implode('.', $keyParts);
} else {
$fieldName = $keyParts[0];
$type = $keyParts[1];
// Detecting 'hidden' labels, converting to normal fieldname
if ($kParts[0] == '_') {
$kParts[0] = '';
if ($fieldName == '_') {
$fieldName = '';
if (substr($kParts[0], 0, 1) == '_') {
$kParts[0] = substr($kParts[0], 1);
if (substr($fieldName, 0, 1) == '_') {
$fieldName = substr($fieldName, 1);
// Add label:
switch ((string)$kParts[2]) {
// adding
case '+':
$TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$kParts[0]][$kParts[1]] .= LF . $lVal;
// Substituting:
$TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$kParts[0]][$kParts[1]] = $lVal;
// Append label
if ($specialInstruction) {
$TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$fieldName][$type] .= LF . $lVal;
} else {
// Substitute label
$TCA_DESCR[$table]['columns'][$fieldName][$type] = $lVal;
typo3/view_help.php (working copy)
$this->field = array_shift($identifierParts);
// There may be extra parts for FlexForms
if (count($identifierParts) > 0) {
$flexFormField = array_pop($identifierParts);
$extraIdentifierInformation = $identifierParts;
// Assemble a different main key and switch field to use flexform field name
// There's at least one extra part
$extraIdentifierInformation = array();
$extraIdentifierInformation[] = array_shift($identifierParts);
// Load the TCA details of the table
// If the ds_pointerField contains a comma, it means the choice of FlexForm DS
// is determined by 2 parameters. In this case we have an extra identifier part
if (strpos($TCA[$this->table]['columns'][$this->field]['config']['ds_pointerField'], ',') !== FALSE) {
$extraIdentifierInformation[] = array_shift($identifierParts);
// The remaining parts make up the FlexForm field name itself
// (reassembled with dots)
$flexFormField = implode('.', $identifierParts);
// Assemble a different main key and switch field to use FlexForm field name
$this->mainKey .= '.' . $this->field;
foreach ($extraIdentifierInformation as $extraKey) {
$this->mainKey .= '.' . $extraKey;