


Feature #11771 » 11771.diff

Steffen Gebert, 2011-06-02 23:24

View differences:

// Get the template file
$template = @file_get_contents($PATH_site . '/typo3/templates/install.html');
// Define the markers content
$markers = array(
'styleSheet' => $stylesheet,
'javascript' => $javascript,
'title' => 'The Install Tool is locked',
'content' => '
To enable the Install Tool, the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL must be created.
In the typo3conf/ folder, create a file named ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL. The file name is
case sensitive, but the file itself can simply be an empty file.
<li class="t3-install-locked-user-settings">
Alternatively, in the Backend, go to <a href="javascript:top.goToModule(\'user_setup\',1);">User tools &gt; User settings</a>
and let TYPO3 create this file for you. When you\'re finished, you can also visit
<a href="javascript:top.goToModule(\'user_setup\',1);">User tools &gt; User settings</a> and delete the file from there.
For security reasons, it is highly recommended that you either rename or delete the file after the operation is finished.
As an additional security measure, if the file is older than one hour, TYPO3 will automatically delete it.
// check the write permissions of the following directories first
// this jumps in as the first message during installation process to force the user to fix this at first
$writeDirectories = array(
// saves all directories with insufficient permissions
$missingWritePermissions = array();
foreach ($writeDirectories as $directory) {
if (!is_writable($PATH_site . '/' . $directory . '/')) {
$missingWritePermissions[] = $directory;
// show warning, if one of the directories lacks write permissions
if (count($missingWritePermissions)) {
$markers = array(
'styleSheet' => $stylesheet,
'javascript' => $javascript,
'title' => 'Insufficient permissions',
'content' => '
To work properly, the following directories and their contents must be writable for the user,
under which the web server is running:
' . implode('/</li><li>', $missingWritePermissions) . '
On most systems, this can be achieved by executing the following commands:
<pre>' .
function($directory) use ($PATH_site) {
return 'chown -R 777 ' . $PATH_site . '/' . $directory . '/<br />';
)) . '</pre>
} else {
// display the "Install Tool is locked" message
$markers = array(
'styleSheet' => $stylesheet,
'javascript' => $javascript,
'title' => 'The Install Tool is locked',
'content' => '
To enable the Install Tool, the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL must be created.
In the typo3conf/ folder, create a file named ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL. The file name is
case sensitive, but the file itself can simply be an empty file.
<li class="t3-install-locked-user-settings">
Alternatively, in the Backend, go to <a href="javascript:top.goToModule(\'user_setup\',1);">User tools &gt; User settings</a>
and let TYPO3 create this file for you. When you\'re finished, you can also visit
<a href="javascript:top.goToModule(\'user_setup\',1);">User tools &gt; User settings</a> and delete the file from there.
For security reasons, it is highly recommended that you either rename or delete the file after the operation is finished.
As an additional security measure, if the file is older than one hour, TYPO3 will automatically delete it.
// Fill the markers
$content = t3lib_parsehtml::substituteMarkerArray(