


Bug #79975 » diff.txt

Mario Matzulla, 2017-03-03 15:19

< switch ($func) {
< case 'time':
< $valueArr = explode(':', $value);
< $value = $valueArr[0] * 3600 + $valueArr[1] * 60;
< break;
< case 'timesec':
< $valueArr = explode(':', $value);
< $value = $valueArr[0] * 3600 + $valueArr[1] * 60 + $valueArr[2];
< break;
< case 'date':
< case 'datetime':
< // ISO 8601 dates
< $dateTime = new \DateTime($value);
< // The returned timestamp is always UTC
< $value = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
< // $value is a UTC timestamp here.
< // The value will be stored in the server’s local timezone, but treated as UTC, so we brute force
< // subtract the offset here. The offset is subtracted instead of added because the value is stored
< // in the timezone, but interpreted as UTC, so if we switched the server to UTC, the correct
< // value would be returned.
< if ($value !== 0 && !$this->dontProcessTransformations) {
< $value -= date('Z', $value);
< }
< break;
< }
> // ISO 8601 dates
> $dateTime = new \DateTime($value);
> // The returned timestamp is always UTC
> $value = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
> }
> // $value is a UTC timestamp here.
> // The value will be stored in the server’s local timezone, but treated as UTC, so we brute force
> // subtract the offset here. The offset is subtracted instead of added because the value is stored
> // in the timezone, but interpreted as UTC, so if we switched the server to UTC, the correct
> // value would be returned.
> if ($value !== 0 && !$this->dontProcessTransformations) {
> $value -= date('Z', $value);