


Bug #88350 ยป FileReference.php

Valentin Nedkov (sunman), 2019-05-14 14:31

namespace TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource;

* This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
* It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility;

* Representation of a specific usage of a file with possibilities to override certain
* properties of the original file just for this usage of the file.
* It acts as a decorator over the original file in the way that most method calls are
* directly passed along to the original file object.
* All file related methods are directly passed along; only meta data functionality is adopted
* in this decorator class to priorities possible overrides for the metadata for this specific usage
* of the file.
class FileReference implements FileInterface
* Various properties of the FileReference. Note that these information can be different
* to the ones found in the originalFile.
* @var array
protected $propertiesOfFileReference;

* The identifier of this file to identify it on the storage.
* On some drivers, this is the path to the file, but drivers could also just
* provide any other unique identifier for this file on the specific storage.
* @var string
protected $uidOfFileReference;

* The file name of this file. It's either the fileName of the original underlying file,
* or the overlay file name supplied by the user for this particular usage (FileReference) of the file.
* @var string
protected $name;

* Reference to the original File object underlying this FileReference.
* @var File
protected $originalFile;

* Properties merged with the parent object (File) if
* the value is not defined (NULL). Thus, FileReference properties act
* as overlays for the defined File properties.
* @var array
protected $mergedProperties = [];

* Constructor for a file in use object. Should normally not be used
* directly, use the corresponding factory methods instead.
* @param array $fileReferenceData
* @param ResourceFactory $factory
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function __construct(array $fileReferenceData, $factory = null)
$this->propertiesOfFileReference = $fileReferenceData;
if (!$fileReferenceData['uid_local']) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Incorrect reference to original file given for FileReference.', 1300098528);
if (!$factory) {
/** @var ResourceFactory $factory */
$factory = ResourceFactory::getInstance();
$this->originalFile = $factory->getFileObject($fileReferenceData['uid_local']);
if (!is_object($this->originalFile)) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
'Original file not found for FileReference. UID given: "' . $fileReferenceData['uid_local'] . '"',
$this->name = $fileReferenceData['name'] !== '' ? $fileReferenceData['name'] : $this->originalFile->getName();

* Returns true if the given key exists for this file.
* @param string $key The property to be looked up
* @return bool
public function hasProperty($key)
return array_key_exists($key, $this->getProperties());

* Gets a property, falling back to values of the parent.
* @param string $key The property to be looked up
* @return mixed
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function getProperty($key)
if (!$this->hasProperty($key)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Property "' . $key . '" was not found in file reference or original file.', 1314226805);
$properties = $this->getProperties();
return $properties[$key];

* Gets a property of the file reference.
* @param string $key The property to be looked up
* @return mixed
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function getReferenceProperty($key)
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->propertiesOfFileReference)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Property "' . $key . '" of file reference was not found.', 1360684914);
return $this->propertiesOfFileReference[$key];

* Gets all properties, falling back to values of the parent.
* @return array
public function getProperties()
if (empty($this->mergedProperties)) {
$this->mergedProperties = $this->propertiesOfFileReference;
array_walk($this->mergedProperties, [$this, 'restoreNonNullValuesCallback']);

return $this->mergedProperties;

* Callback to handle the NULL value feature
* @param mixed $value
* @param mixed $key
protected function restoreNonNullValuesCallback(&$value, $key)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->propertiesOfFileReference) && $this->propertiesOfFileReference[$key] !== null) {
$value = $this->propertiesOfFileReference[$key];

* Gets all properties of the file reference.
* @return array
public function getReferenceProperties()
return $this->propertiesOfFileReference;

* Returns the name of this file
* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->originalFile->getName();

* Returns the title text to this image
* @todo Possibly move this to the image domain object instead
* @return string
public function getTitle()
return $this->getProperty('title');

* Returns the alternative text to this image
* @todo Possibly move this to the image domain object instead
* @return string
public function getAlternative()
return $this->getProperty('alternative');

* Returns the description text to this file
* @todo Possibly move this to the image domain object instead
* @return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->getProperty('description');
* @return \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\mixed
public function getCrop()
return $this->getProperty('crop');

* Returns the link that should be active when clicking on this image
* @todo Move this to the image domain object instead
* @return string
public function getLink()
return $this->propertiesOfFileReference['link'];

* Returns the uid of this File In Use
* @return int
public function getUid()
return (int)$this->propertiesOfFileReference['uid'];

* Returns the size of this file
* @return int
public function getSize()
return (int)$this->originalFile->getSize();

* Returns the Sha1 of this file
* @return string
public function getSha1()
return $this->originalFile->getSha1();

* Get the file extension of this file
* @return string The file extension
public function getExtension()
return $this->originalFile->getExtension();

* Returns the basename (the name without extension) of this file.
* @return string
public function getNameWithoutExtension()
return $this->originalFile->getNameWithoutExtension();

* Get the MIME type of this file
* @return string mime type
public function getMimeType()
return $this->originalFile->getMimeType();

* Returns the modification time of the file as Unix timestamp
* @return int
public function getModificationTime()
return (int)$this->originalFile->getModificationTime();

* Returns the creation time of the file as Unix timestamp
* @return int
public function getCreationTime()
return (int)$this->originalFile->getCreationTime();

* Returns the fileType of this file
* @return int $fileType
public function getType()
return (int)$this->originalFile->getType();
* Check if file is marked as missing by indexer
* @return bool
public function isMissing()
return (bool)$this->originalFile->getProperty('missing');

* Get the contents of this file
* @return string File contents
public function getContents()
return $this->originalFile->getContents();

* Replace the current file contents with the given string
* @param string $contents The contents to write to the file.
* @return File The file object (allows chaining).
public function setContents($contents)
return $this->originalFile->setContents($contents);

* Get the storage the original file is located in
* @return ResourceStorage
public function getStorage()
return $this->originalFile->getStorage();

* Returns the identifier of the underlying original file
* @return string
public function getIdentifier()
return $this->originalFile->getIdentifier();

* Returns a combined identifier of the underlying original file
* @return string Combined storage and file identifier, e.g. StorageUID:path/and/fileName.png
public function getCombinedIdentifier()
return $this->originalFile->getCombinedIdentifier();

* Deletes only this particular FileReference from the persistence layer
* (database table sys_file_reference) but leaves the original file untouched.
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public function delete()
// @todo Implement this function. This should only delete the
// FileReference (sys_file_reference) record, not the file itself.
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Function not implemented FileReference::delete().', 1333754461);
//return $this->fileRepository->removeUsageRecord($this);

* Renames the fileName in this particular usage.
* @param string $newName The new name
* @param string $conflictMode
public function rename($newName, $conflictMode = DuplicationBehavior::RENAME)
// @todo Implement this function. This should only rename the
// FileReference (sys_file_reference) record, not the file itself.
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Function not implemented FileReference::rename().', 1333754473);
//return $this->fileRepository->renameUsageRecord($this, $newName);

* Returns a publicly accessible URL for this file
* WARNING: Access to the file may be restricted by further means, e.g.
* some web-based authentication. You have to take care of this yourself.
* @param bool $relativeToCurrentScript Determines whether the URL returned should be relative to the current script, in case it is relative at all (only for the LocalDriver)
* @return string|null NULL if file is missing or deleted, the generated url otherwise
public function getPublicUrl($relativeToCurrentScript = false)
return $this->originalFile->getPublicUrl($relativeToCurrentScript);

* Returns TRUE if this file is indexed.
* This is always true for FileReference objects, as they rely on a
* sys_file_reference record to be present, which in turn can only exist if
* the original file is indexed.
* @return bool
public function isIndexed()
return true;

* Returns a path to a local version of this file to process it locally (e.g. with some system tool).
* If the file is normally located on a remote storages, this creates a local copy.
* If the file is already on the local system, this only makes a new copy if $writable is set to TRUE.
* @param bool $writable Set this to FALSE if you only want to do read operations on the file.
* @return string
public function getForLocalProcessing($writable = true)
return $this->originalFile->getForLocalProcessing($writable);

* Returns an array representation of the file.
* (This is used by the generic listing module vidi when displaying file records.)
* @return array Array of main data of the file. Don't rely on all data to be present here, it's just a selection of the most relevant information.
public function toArray()
$array = array_merge($this->originalFile->toArray(), $this->propertiesOfFileReference);
return $array;

* Gets the original file being referenced.
* @return File
public function getOriginalFile()
return $this->originalFile;

* Get hashed identifier
* @return string
public function getHashedIdentifier()
return $this->getStorage()->hashFileIdentifier($this->getIdentifier());

* Returns the parent folder.
* @return FolderInterface
public function getParentFolder()
return $this->originalFile->getParentFolder();