


Bug #12397 » 17153_workspaces.diff

Helmut Hummel, 2011-01-20 13:11

View differences:

typo3/sysext/version/ws/index.php (Arbeitskopie)
// $BE_USER->isInWebMount() to check mount points.
$mountpointList = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->groupData['webmounts'];
// If there are DB mountpoints in the workspace record,
// then only show the ones that are allowed there (and that are in the users' webmounts)
// then only show the ones that are allowed there (and that are in the users' webmounts)
if (trim($wksp['db_mountpoints'])) {
$userMountpoints = explode(',', $mountpointList);
// now filter the users' to only keep the mountpoints
// now filter the users' to only keep the mountpoints
// that are also in the workspaces' db_mountpoints
$workspaceMountpoints = explode(',', $wksp['db_mountpoints']);
$filteredMountpoints = array_intersect($userMountpoints, $workspaceMountpoints);
// $BE_USER->isInWebMount() to check mount points.
$mountpointList = implode(',', $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->groupData['filemounts']);
// If there are file mountpoints in the workspace record,
// then only show the ones that are allowed there (and that are in the users' file mounts)
// then only show the ones that are allowed there (and that are in the users' file mounts)
if (trim($wksp['file_mountpoints'])) {
$userMountpoints = explode(',', $mountpointList);
// now filter the users' to only keep the mountpoints
// now filter the users' to only keep the mountpoints
// that are also in the workspaces' file_mountpoints
$workspaceMountpoints = explode(',', $wksp['file_mountpoints']);
$filteredMountpoints = array_intersect($userMountpoints, $workspaceMountpoints);
typo3/sysext/version/cm1/index.php (Arbeitskopie)
<input type="hidden" name="prErr" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->REQUEST_URI).'" />
<input type="submit" name="_" value="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('createNewVersion') . '" />
' . t3lib_TCEforms::getHiddenTokenField('tceAction') . '