

Helmut Hummel

  • Login: helhum
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  • Registered on: 2008-02-08
  • Last sign in: 2025-01-20


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 137 139
Reported issues 7 709 716


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2011-03-31



11:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #99006 (Closed): Error on Analyze Database after installing and removing extension on Composer-Installation
Reporter is unable to reproduce Helmut Hummel


15:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #105267 (Accepted): extension:setup command does not write extension default configuration to system settings
When performing the extension:setup command, TYPO3 should execute all steps that are required for an extension to wor... Helmut Hummel


07:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #105036 (Resolved): Switching user in Backend leads to a [object%20Object] URL
Applied in changeset commit:3cffe0c1be263cae1836c2c14786e8307e1b2ed0. Helmut Hummel
06:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #105036 (Resolved): Switching user in Backend leads to a [object%20Object] URL
Applied in changeset commit:e7b355258ba8686e60157b7f6b7c19680899d974. Helmut Hummel
07:10 TYPO3 Core Revision 4894b07e: [BUGFIX] Cast URI to string to allow json encoding
Otherwise the PHP object is transformed to an empty JS object
instead of a string containing the actual URI
Helmut Hummel
07:09 TYPO3 Core Revision 3cffe0c1: [BUGFIX] Cast URI to string to allow json encoding
Otherwise the PHP object is transformed to an empty JS object
instead of a string containing the actual URI
Helmut Hummel
06:10 TYPO3 Core Revision e7b35525: [BUGFIX] Cast URI to string to allow json encoding
Otherwise the PHP object is transformed to an empty JS object
instead of a string containing the actual URI
Helmut Hummel


22:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #105036 (Closed): Switching user in Backend leads to a [object%20Object] URL
SwitchUserController intends to return an URI to the TYPO3
main route, thus calls the UriBuilder, which returns an U...
Helmut Hummel


13:02 TYPO3 Core Revision 3b367e8a: [BUGFIX] Create same configuration in web and cli install process
The code for the web installer and the cli installer
is only partly aligned and shared, thus may easily
diverge, lead...
Helmut Hummel


08:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #102403 (Resolved): The cli setup command create different config files as the web installer
Applied in changeset commit:b89aad13d4859fb90f0a8dac923cf43ef01f6f8c. Helmut Hummel

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