


Feature #14902 » bug-1347_01.patch

Administrator Admin, 2006-10-13 13:07

View differences:

/home/dkd-kahler/Documents/eclipse/TYPO3_4-0/typo3/sysext/indexed_search/ext_typoscript_setup.txt (working copy)
forwardSearchWordsInResultLink = 0
browseLinks_setUrl = 0
# Setting default values for piVars (please see the source code for the form-field names which you can preset values for here)
/home/dkd-kahler/Documents/eclipse/TYPO3_4-0/typo3/sysext/indexed_search/pi/class.tx_indexedsearch.php (working copy)
var $lexerObj; // Lexer object
var $templateCode; // Will hold the content of $conf['templateFile']
var $hiddenFieldList = 'ext, type, defOp, media, order, group, lang, desc, results';
* @var array $pointerVars contains piVars required for page browser links
var $pointerVars = array();
$onclick = 'document.'.$this->prefixId.'[\''.$this->prefixId.'[pointer]\'].value=\''.$p.'\';'.
'document.'.$this->prefixId.'.submit();return false;';
return '<a href="#" onclick="'.htmlspecialchars($onclick).'">'.$str.'</a>';
$url = '#';
if ( $this->conf['browseLinks_setUrl'] ) {
// create pointerVars only once
if ( ! $this->pointerVars ) {
$this->pointerVars = $this->piVars;
unset ($this->pointerVars['submit_button']);
// only use non-default values
foreach( $this->pointerVars as $var=>$val ) {
if ( ( is_array($this->optValues[$var]) && $this->piVars[$var] == (string) array_shift( array_keys( $this->optValues[$var] ) ) ) ||
( isset($this->conf['_DEFAULT_PI_VARS.'][$var]) && $this->conf['_DEFAULT_PI_VARS'][$var] == $val )
) {
unset ( $this->pointerVars[$var] );
$this->pointerVars['pointer'] = $p;
$url = $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars_url( $this->pointerVars, 0, 1 );
$tag = '<a href="'.$url.'" onClick="'.htmlspecialchars($onclick).'">'.$str.'</a>';
return $tag;