


Bug #15604 » class.ux_ux_t3lib_tcemain.php

Administrator Admin, 2006-02-10 13:16

class ux_ux_t3lib_tcemain extends ux_t3lib_tcemain {
* Copying records, but makes a "raw" copy of a record.
* Basically the only thing observed is field processing like the copying of files and correction of ids. All other fields are 1-1 copied.
* Technically the copy is made with THIS instance of the tcemain class contrary to copyRecord() which creates a new instance and uses the processData() function.
* The copy is created by insertNewCopyVersion() which bypasses most of the regular input checking associated with processData() - maybe copyRecord() should even do this as well!?
* This function is used to create new versions of a record.
* NOTICE: DOES NOT CHECK PERMISSIONS to create! And since page permissions are just passed through and not changed to the user who executes the copy we cannot enforce permissions without getting an incomplete copy - unless we change permissions of course.
* @param string Element table
* @param integer Element UID
* @param integer Element PID (real PID, not checked)
* @param array Override array - must NOT contain any fields not in the table!
* @return integer Returns the new ID of the record (if applicable)
function copyRecord_raw($table,$uid,$pid,$overrideArray=array()) {
if($table=='tt_content') debug('RAW COPY','t3lib_TCEmain->copyRecord_raw',__LINE__,__FILE__);
global $TCA;

$uid = intval($uid);
if ($TCA[$table] && $uid) {
if ($this->doesRecordExist($table,$uid,'show')) {

// Set up fields which should not be processed. They are still written - just passed through no-questions-asked!
$nonFields = array('uid','pid','t3ver_id','t3ver_oid','t3ver_wsid','t3ver_label','t3ver_state','t3ver_swapmode','t3ver_count','t3ver_stage','t3ver_tstamp','perms_userid','perms_groupid','perms_user','perms_group','perms_everybody');

// Select main record:
$row = $this->recordInfo($table,$uid,'*');
if (is_array($row)) {

// Merge in override array.
$row = array_merge($row,$overrideArray);

// Traverse ALL fields of the selected record:
foreach($row as $field => $value) {
if (!in_array($field,$nonFields)) {

// Get TCA configuration for the field:
$conf = $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['config'];
if (is_array($conf)) {
// Processing based on the TCA config field type (files, references, flexforms...)
$value = $this->copyRecord_procBasedOnFieldType($table,$uid,$field,$value,$row,$conf);

// Add value to array.
$row[$field] = $value;

// Force versioning related fields:
$row['pid'] = $pid;

// Setting original UID:
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['origUid']) {
$row[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['origUid']] = $uid;

// Do the copy by internal function
$theNewSQLID = $this->insertNewCopyVersion($table,$row,$pid);
if ($theNewSQLID) {
return $this->copyMappingArray[$table][$uid] = $theNewSQLID;
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to rawcopy/versionize record that did not exist!');
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to rawcopy/versionize record without copy permission');
* Modifying a field value for any situation regarding files/references:
* For attached files: take current filenames and prepend absolute paths so they get copied.
* For DB references: Nothing done.
* @param array TCE field config
* @param integer Record UID
* @param string Field value (eg. list of files)
* @return string The (possibly modified) value
* @see copyRecord(), copyRecord_flexFormCallBack()
function copyRecord_procFilesRefs($conf, $uid, $value) {
// Prepend absolute paths to files:
if ($conf['type']=='group' && $conf['internal_type']=='file') {

// Get an array with files as values:
if ($conf['MM']) {
$theFileValues = array();

$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$dbAnalysis->start('', 'files', $conf['MM'], $uid);

foreach($dbAnalysis->itemArray as $somekey => $someval) {
if ($someval['id']) {
$theFileValues[] = $someval['id'];
} else {
$theFileValues = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$value,1);

// Traverse this array of files:
$uploadFolder = $conf['uploadfolder'];
$dest = $this->destPathFromUploadFolder($uploadFolder);
$newValue = array();

foreach($theFileValues as $file) {
if (trim($file)) {
$realFile = $dest.'/'.trim($file);
if (@is_file($realFile)) {
$newValue[] = $realFile;

// Implode the new filelist into the new value (all files have absolute paths now which means they will get copied when entering TCEmain as new values...)
$value = implode(',',$newValue);
}else if($conf['type']=='group' && $conf['MM'] && $conf['MM_foreign_select']){
$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$value = implode(',',$dbAnalysis->getValueArray(1));
// Return the new value:
return $value;
* Processing/Preparing content for copyRecord() function
* @param string Table name
* @param integer Record uid
* @param string Field name being processed
* @param string Input value to be processed.
* @param array Record array
* @param array TCA field configuration
* @return mixed Processed value. Normally a string/integer, but can be an array for flexforms!
* @access private
* @see copyRecord()

function copyRecord_procBasedOnFieldType($table,$uid,$field,$value,$row,$conf) {
global $TCA;
// Process references and files, currently that means only the files, prepending absolute paths (so the TCEmain engine will detect the file as new and one that should be made into a copy)
$value = $this->copyRecord_procFilesRefs($conf, $uid, $value);

// Register if there are references to take care of (no change to value):
if ($this->isReferenceField($conf)) {
$allowedTables = $conf['type']=='group' ? $conf['allowed'] : $conf['foreign_table'].','.$conf['neg_foreign_table'];
$prependName = $conf['type']=='group' ? $conf['prepend_tname'] : $conf['neg_foreign_table'];
if ($conf['MM']) {
$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$value = implode(',',$dbAnalysis->getValueArray($prependName));
if ($value) { // Setting the value in this array will notify the remapListedDBRecords() function that this field MAY need references to be corrected
$this->registerDBList[$table][$uid][$field] = $value;

// For "flex" fieldtypes we need to traverse the structure for two reasons: If there are file references they have to be prepended with absolute paths and if there are database reference they MIGHT need to be remapped (still done in remapListedDBRecords())
if ($conf['type']=='flex') {
// Get current value array:
$dataStructArray = t3lib_BEfunc::getFlexFormDS($conf, $row, $table);
$currentValueArray = t3lib_div::xml2array($value);
// Traversing the XML structure, processing files:
if (is_array($currentValueArray)) {
$currentValueArray['data'] = $this->checkValue_flex_procInData(
array(), // Not used.
array(), // Not used.
array($table,$uid,$field), // Parameters.
$value = $currentValueArray; // Setting value as an array! -> which means the input will be processed according to the 'flex' type when the new copy is created.

return $value;
* Returns data for group/db and select fields
* @param array Current value array
* @param array TCA field config
* @param integer Record id, used for look-up of MM relations (local_uid)
* @param string Status string ('update' or 'new')
* @param string The type, either 'select' or 'group'
* @return array Modified value array
function checkValue_group_select_processDBdata($valueArray,$tcaFieldConf,$id,$status,$type) {
$tables = $type=='group'?$tcaFieldConf['allowed']:$tcaFieldConf['foreign_table'].','.$tcaFieldConf['neg_foreign_table'];
$prep = $type=='group'?$tcaFieldConf['prepend_tname']:$tcaFieldConf['neg_foreign_table'];

$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$dbAnalysis->registerNonTableValues = $tcaFieldConf['allowNonIdValues'] ? 1 : 0;

if ($tcaFieldConf['MM']) {

if ($tcaFieldConf['prepend_tname']) {
if ($tcaFieldConf['MM_foreign_select']) {
foreach ($dbAnalysis->itemArray as $key => $val) {
$dbAnalysis->itemArray[$key]['table'] = $tcaFieldConf['MM_foreign_select']; // is the current table

if ($status=='update') {
$dbAnalysis->writeMM($tcaFieldConf['MM'], $id, $prep, $tcaFieldConf['MM_ident'], $tcaFieldConf['MM_foreign_select']);
} else {
//fix for dam/compat/class.ux_t3lib_tcemain.php (ident and travers $swapLocalForeign needed for new records)
#$this->dbAnalysisStore[] = array($dbAnalysis,$tcaFieldConf['MM'],$id,$prep); // This will be traversed later to execute the actions
$this->dbAnalysisStore[] = array($dbAnalysis,$tcaFieldConf['MM'],$id,$prep,$tcaFieldConf['MM_ident'],$tcaFieldConf['MM_foreign_select']); // This will be traversed later to execute the actions
$valueArray = array($cc);

} else {
$valueArray = $dbAnalysis->getValueArray($prep);
if ($type=='select' && $prep) {
$valueArray = $dbAnalysis->convertPosNeg($valueArray,$tcaFieldConf['foreign_table'],$tcaFieldConf['neg_foreign_table']);

// Here we should se if 1) the records exist anymore, 2) which are new and check if the BE_USER has read-access to the new ones.
return $valueArray;

* Executing dbAnalysisStore
* bugfix for dam/compat/class.ux_t3lib_tcemain.php ($v[4]=$ident and $v[5]=$swapLocalForeign needed for new records -
* see checkValue_group_select_processDBdata() above)
* @return [type] ...
function dbAnalysisStoreExec() {
while(list($k,$v)=each($this->dbAnalysisStore)) {
$id = $this->substNEWwithIDs[$v[2]];
if ($id) {
$v[2] = $id;
