


Feature #16726 » class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php

Administrator Admin, 2007-06-05 13:35

* Copyright notice
* (c) 2002-2006 Kasper Sk?rh?j (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the Typo3 project. The Typo3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Plugin 'User listing' for the 'newloginbox' extension.
* $Id: class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php 3923 2006-10-13 20:20:50Z stradarius $
* XHTML compliant!
* @author Kasper Sk?rh?j <>
* 74: class tx_newloginbox_pi3 extends tslib_pibase
* 94: function main($content,$conf)
* 127: function listView($content,$conf)
* 201: function singleView($content,$conf)
* 406: function pi_list_row($c)
* 454: function pi_list_header()
* 498: function getFieldContent($fN)
* 536: function getFieldHeader($fN)
* 550: function getFieldHeader_sortLink($fN)
* (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval")


* Plugin 'User listing' for the 'newloginbox' extension.
* @author Kasper Sk?rh?j <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tx_newloginbox
class tx_newloginbox_pi3 extends tslib_pibase {

var $prefixId = 'tx_newloginbox_pi3'; // Same as class name
var $scriptRelPath = 'pi3/class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php'; // Path to this script relative to the extension dir.
var $extKey = 'newloginbox'; // The extension key.
var $viewMode = 'listView'; // either listView or singleView
var $conf = array(); // TypoScript configuration for the plugin

// Internal vars:
var $manualFieldOrder = FALSE;
var $manualFieldOrder_details = array();
var $manualFieldOrder_list = array();
var $groupSelectmode = 0;
var $groupSelection = 0;

* Main function, called from TypoScript
* @param string Default content string, ignore
* @param array TypoScript configuration for the plugin
* @return string HTML for the plugin
function main($content, $conf) {

$this->conf = $conf;
// Init FlexForm configuration for plugin:
$this->manualFieldOrder = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'field_manualOrder') ? TRUE : FALSE;
$this->manualFieldOrder_details = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'field_orderDetails'), 1);
$this->manualFieldOrder_list = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'field_orderList'), 1);

// selectable fe-group, contributed by Stefan Padberg <>, modified by Stefan Strasser

// FE groups
// groupSelectmodes are: 0=display all groups, 1=display selected groups, -1=display deselected groups
// (from Typoscript) [Flexform only]: both values are taken from Typoscript (if defined)
// Typoscript-Option: plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3.groupSelectmode = 1
// groupSelection: uid of de/selected groups
// Typoscript-Option: plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3.groupSelection = 2,3
if ($this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'groupSelectmode')==-2) { // (Flexform says: from TS)
$this->config['groupSelectmode'] = isset($this->conf['groupSelectmode'])?$this->conf['groupSelectmode']:0;
$this->config['groupSelection'] = isset($this->conf['groupSelection'])?$this->conf['groupSelection']:0;
} else {
$this->config['groupSelectmode'] = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'groupSelectmode');
$this->config['groupSelection'] = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'], 'groupSelection');
$this->groupSelectArray = explode(',',$this->config['groupSelection']);

// end of selectable fe-group modification

switch((string)$conf['CMD']) {

case 'singleView':
list($t) = explode(':', $this->cObj->currentRecord);
$this->internal['currentTable'] = $t;
$this->internal['currentRow'] = $this->cObj->data;
return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($this->singleView($content, $conf));

if (strstr($this->cObj->currentRecord, 'tt_content')) {
$conf['pidList'] = $this->cObj->data['pages'];
$conf['recursive'] = $this->cObj->data['recursive'];
return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($this->listView($content, $conf));

* List view, listing the records from the table.
* Does also provide the single view if the "showUid" piVar is set.
* @param string HTML input content - not used, ignore.
* @param array TypoScript configuration array
* @return string HTML content for the listing.
function listView($content, $conf) {

// Init:
$this->conf = $conf; // Setting the TypoScript passed to this function in $this->conf
$this->pi_loadLL(); // Loading the LOCAL_LANG values
$this->pi_USER_INT_obj = 1; // Configuring so caching is not expected. This value means that no cHash params are ever set. We do this, because it's a USER_INT object!
$this->lConf = $lConf = $this->conf['listView.']; // Local settings for the listView function
$this->pi_alwaysPrev = $this->lConf['alwaysPrev'];
$this->viewMode = 'listView';

// Select either single view or list view:
if ($this->piVars['showUid']) {
// If a single element should be displayed:
$this->internal['currentTable'] = 'fe_users';
$this->internal['currentRow'] = $this->pi_getRecord('fe_users', $this->piVars['showUid']);
$content = $this->singleView($content, $conf);

return $content;
} else {

if (!isset($this->piVars['pointer'])) {
$this->piVars['pointer'] = 0;

// Initializing the query parameters:
list($this->internal['orderBy'], $this->internal['descFlag']) = explode(':', $this->piVars['sort']);
$this->internal['results_at_a_time'] = t3lib_div::intInRange($lConf['results_at_a_time'], 0, 1000, 3); // Number of results to show in a listing.
$this->internal['maxPages'] = t3lib_div::intInRange($lConf['maxPages'], 0, 1000, 2); // The maximum number of "pages" in the browse-box: "Page 1", 'Page 2', etc.
$this->internal['searchFieldList'] = 'username,name,email,country,city,zip,telephone,address,title';
$this->internal['orderByList'] = 'username,name,email,country,city,zip';

// selectable fe-group, contributed by Stefan Padberg <>, modified by Stefan Strasser
// calculate where-clause:
if ($this->config['groupSelectmode']!=0) {
$where = 'AND ( ';
if ($this->config['groupSelectmode']==-1) {
$whereConn = 'AND';
$whereLike = 'NOT LIKE';
} else {
$whereConn = 'OR';
$whereLike = 'LIKE';
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->groupSelectArray);$i++) {
if ($i<>0) $where.= $whereConn;
$where.= ' usergroup '.$whereLike.' "'.$this->groupSelectArray[$i].'" '.$whereConn.' usergroup '.$whereLike.' "%,'.$this->groupSelectArray[$i].'" '.$whereConn.' usergroup '.$whereLike.' "'.$this->groupSelectArray[$i].',%" '.$whereConn.' usergroup '.$whereLike.' "%,'.$this->groupSelectArray[$i].',%" ';
// end of selectable fe-group modification, adding $where to the query below
// Get number of records:
$query = $this->pi_list_query('fe_users', 1, $where);
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_query($query);
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()) {
t3lib_div::debug(array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error(), $query));

list($this->internal['res_count']) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($res);

// Make listing query, pass query to MySQL:
$query = $this->pi_list_query('fe_users', 0, $where);

$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_query($query);
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()) {
t3lib_div::debug(array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error(), $query));
$this->internal['currentTable'] = 'fe_users';

// Put the whole list together:
$fullTable = ''; // Clear var;

// Adds the whole list table
$fullTable .= $this->pi_list_makelist($res, $this->conf['listView.']['tableParams_list']);

// Adds the result browser:
$fullTable .= '<p>'.$this->pi_list_browseresults().'</p>';

// Adds the search box:
$fullTable .= $this->pi_list_searchBox();

// Returns the content from the plugin.
return $fullTable;

* Single view display of users.
* When this function is called, $this->internal['currentTable'] is set to the table name, "fe_users" and $this->internal['currentRow'] will contain the record.
* @param string Content input. Not used. Ignore.
* @param array TypoScript configuration
* @return string HTML content for display of user details.
function singleView($content, $conf) {

// Init
$this->conf = $conf;
$this->viewMode = 'singleView';

// This sets the title of the page for use in indexed search results:
if ($this->internal['currentRow']['title']) $GLOBALS['TSFE']->indexedDocTitle = $this->internal['currentRow']['title'];

if ($this->manualFieldOrder) {
$rows = '';
foreach ($this->manualFieldOrder_details as $fieldName) {
switch((string)$fieldName) {
case '---':
$rows .= '
<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
$rows .= '

$theTable = '
$content = '

Single view content:
<h3>'.$this->pi_getLL('singleview_detailsAbout', '', TRUE).' '.htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow']['name']).' ('.htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow']['username']).'):</h3>
} else {
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser) {
$image = '';
if ($this->internal['currentRow']['image']) {
$imgArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->internal['currentRow']['image'], 1);
$randval = intval(rand(0, count($imgArr)-1));
$imgFile = 'uploads/pics/'.$imgArr[$randval];
$imgInfo = getimagesize(PATH_site.$imgFile);
if (is_array($imgInfo)) {
$image = '<img src="'.$imgFile.'" '.$imgInfo[3].' alt="" />';

$theTable = '
<td valign="top" rowspan="20">'.$image.'</td>

<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>


<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>


<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>


<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>

<th>'.$this->pi_getLL('singleview_created', '', TRUE).'</th>
<td>'.date('d-m-Y H:i', $this->internal['currentRow']['crdate']).'</td>
<th>'.$this->pi_getLL('singleview_lastLogin', '', TRUE).'</th>
<td>'.date('d-m-Y H:i', $this->internal['currentRow']['lastlogin']).'</td>

$content = '

Single view content:
<h3>'.$this->pi_getLL('singleview_detailsAbout', '', TRUE).' '.htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow']['name']).' ('.htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow']['username']).'):</h3>
} else {
$content = '
<h3>'.$this->pi_getLL('singleview_limitedDetailsAbout', '', TRUE).' '.htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow']['name']).' ('.htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow']['username']).'):</h3>

if ($this->piVars['returnUrl']) {
$content .= '<p><a href="'.htmlspecialchars($this->piVars['returnUrl']).'">'.$this->pi_getLL('singleview_back', '', TRUE).'</a></p>';
} else {
$content .= '<p>'.$this->pi_list_linkSingle($this->pi_getLL('singleview_back', '', TRUE), 0).'</p>';

$content .= '</div>'. $this->pi_getEditPanel();

return $content;

* A single list row displayed:
* @param integer Counter for rows displayed.
* @return string HTML content; a Table row, <tr>...</tr>
function pi_list_row($c) {
$editPanel = $this->pi_getEditPanel();
if ($editPanel) $editPanel = '<td>'.$editPanel.'</td>';

if ($this->manualFieldOrder) {
$cells = array();
foreach($this->manualFieldOrder_list as $fieldName) {
if ($fieldName != 'email' || $this->lConf['show.']['email']) {
$cells[] = '

return '
<tr'.($c%2 ? $this->pi_classParam('listrow-odd') : "").'>
'.implode('', $cells).'
} else {
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser) {
return '
<tr'.($c%2 ? $this->pi_classParam('listrow-odd') : "").'>
'.($this->lConf['show.']['email'] ? '<td>'.$this->getFieldContent('email').'</td>' :'').'
} else {
return '
<tr'.($c%2 ? $this->pi_classParam('listrow-odd') : "").'>

* List header row, showing column names:
* @return string HTML content; a Table row, <tr>...</tr>
function pi_list_header() {

if ($this->manualFieldOrder) {
$cells = array();
foreach($this->manualFieldOrder_list as $fieldName) {
if ($fieldName != 'email' || $this->lConf['show.']['email']) {
$cells[] = '

return '
'.implode('', $cells).'

} else {
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser) {
return '
'.($this->lConf['show.']['email'] ? '<th>'.$this->getFieldHeader_sortLink('email').'</th>' :'').'
} else {
return '

* Field content, processed, prepared for HTML output.
* @param string Fieldname
* @return string Content, ready for HTML output.
function getFieldContent($fN) {

// feature added by Ingmar Schlecht <>
if ($this->conf[$this->viewMode.'.']['customProcessing.'][$fN]) {

// keep old data array for later restorage
$temp = $this->cObj->data;

// load currentRow as cObj->data
$this->cObj->data = $this->internal['currentRow'];

// "execute" the TypoScript, i.e. do the custom processing for the field
$content = $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf[$this->viewMode.'.']['customProcessing.'][$fN], $this->conf[$this->viewMode.'.']['customProcessing.'][$fN.'.']);

// restore old data array
$this->cObj->data = $temp;

return $content;

switch($fN) {
case 'name':
case 'username':
return $this->pi_list_linkSingle(htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow'][$fN]), $this->internal['currentRow']['uid'], 1);
case 'www':
case 'email':
return $this->cObj->gettypolink(htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow'][$fN]), $this->internal['currentRow'][$fN]);
return htmlspecialchars($this->internal['currentRow'][$fN]);

* Field header name; Getting the label for field headers.
* @param string Fieldname
* @return string Content, ready for HTML output.
function getFieldHeader($fN) {
switch($fN) {
return $this->pi_getLL('listFieldHeader_'.$fN, '['.$fN.']', 1);
* Field header name, but wrapped in a link for sorting by column.
* @param string Fieldname
* @return string Content, ready for HTML output.
function getFieldHeader_sortLink($fN) {
return $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->getFieldHeader($fN), array('sort' => $fN.':'.($this->internal['descFlag']?0:1)));

if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/newloginbox/pi3/class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php']) {
