



Feature #16726


Select FE user group(s) to display in user list

Added by Carsten Stidsen over 17 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Should have
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Presently, the extension show all current users in the user listing.
However, in many cases it would be relevant to be able to only display selected FE user group(s).

(issue imported from #M4532)


class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php (19.8 KB) class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php Administrator Admin, 2007-06-05 13:35
flexform_ds_pi3.xml (3.37 KB) flexform_ds_pi3.xml Administrator Admin, 2007-06-05 13:35
locallang_db.xml (12.3 KB) locallang_db.xml Administrator Admin, 2007-06-05 13:35
ext_typoscript_setup.txt (1.81 KB) ext_typoscript_setup.txt Administrator Admin, 2007-06-05 13:36
group-selectable-listing.diff (15.3 KB) group-selectable-listing.diff Administrator Admin, 2007-06-07 21:36
Actions #1

Updated by Stefan Strasser over 17 years ago

Added to the wishlist in the newloginbox-wiki.

In our newsgroup Stefan Padberg offered to submit an already made patch for this.

Actions #2

Updated by Carsten Stidsen about 17 years ago

What is the status for the integration of the patch

Actions #3

Updated by Simon Harhues about 17 years ago

I would like support this idea. Because I also need this feature and have got only an old by Stefan Padberg patched version of the extension (2.2.9 I think).

I think the Problem with the ptach is, that at this time when it was patched, there was no use of T3-standard libarys in the extension. And now it is and so the patch needs a total rewrite. (I think so, but I'm not sure)

Actions #4

Updated by Stefan Strasser about 17 years ago

I've attached a patch that is based on the current cvs-version of newloginbox. The current cvs-version you may find here as t3x:

The code is that from Stefan Padberg with very small changes to fit in the changed newloginbox-environment. It seems to work.

Please test it and send your comments. The code hasn't been reviewed yet. Maybe there will be some smaller changes until publication.

Actions #5

Updated by Simon Harhues about 17 years ago

Thanks for the patch. It's working in the FE. But in the BE on a site with the newloginbox-userlist-extension I got a blank right frame with the following error-message:
/XXX/typo3conf/ext/newloginbox/locallang_db.xml was not XML!: Line 62: Invalid character
The Problem are some german "Umlaute" (--> äöü), which needs to be changed. I think it is a problem of the character encoding, but I actually don't know how to change it...


Actions #6

Updated by Carsten Stidsen about 17 years ago

I do not have privileges to patch files directly on the server. Could you please attach the .t3x file instead or the three patched files?

Actions #7

Updated by Stefan Strasser about 17 years ago

Sorry, I've patched the language-file by hand which wasn't a good idea. See the attached new file, this should work now.

Actions #8

Updated by Simon Harhues about 17 years ago

For me, It works now fine. Thanks for the patch!

Actions #9

Updated by Carsten Stidsen about 17 years ago

Both BE and FE works as intended, thank you.
I have tested the patched files successfully with TYPO3 v4.0.2 (dummy package for Windows), however my production server runs TYPO3 v4.0 that is not compatible with the latest cvs-version of newloginbox (requires TYPO3 v4.0.0). This means that I have not been able to check the patch in my production environment.
Is the any way to install the cvs-version on TYPO3 v4.0 circumventing the requirement for v4.0.0?

Actions #10

Updated by Stefan Strasser about 17 years ago

Carsten: If you try to install the extension, you see an error-message like this:

The running TYPO3 version (4.0) is lower than required (4.0.0)
x Ignore this version requirement

As a workaround just click "Ignore this version requirement" and try again. That is obviously a bug in the extension-configuration and not a real version-requirement-problem.

If you want to avoid this error-message change ext_emconf.php and replace the string "4.0.0-" with "4.0-". I'll correct this also in cvs so that the t3x-snapshot tomorrow should be ok.

Actions #11

Updated by Stefan Strasser about 17 years ago

Reviewing the code I've found the following mistake:
If a user has more than one usergroup and the listing is configured to NOT show certain groups, the resulting list isn't correct.

I've made some changes to class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php. It should work now. Please feel free to check the new file.

And thanks to Carsten about sponsorship!

Actions #12

Updated by Carsten Stidsen about 17 years ago

I also observed the issue about users with multiple usergroup assignments, but you were faster responding than me.

Regarding sponsorship, this is just a small token to show my appreciation. I do not have financial backup to really support your work. When the review process is finished, please forward your account details (IBAN and SWIFT) to me. My email address is .

Actions #13

Updated by Simon Harhues about 17 years ago

A websiteuser just pinted to me some "MYSQL Errors" on my page. There were some debug-output from the new class.tx_newloginbox_pi3.php I think. I just "out-commentated" the "debug" in the PHP-file. I hope it was the right way to fix it... :-)

Actions #14

Updated by Stefan Strasser about 17 years ago

Oops, sorry. I've now attached the file without these debug-commands.

Actions #15

Updated by Stefan Strasser about 17 years ago

The typoscript-configuration should now work correctly.

plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3.groupSelectmode = 1
plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3.groupSelection = 2,3

Now the Flexform-SelectMode-configuration has to bet set to '(from Typoscript)' if the typoscript-configuration should be taken.
I've chosen this way in order to make possible that the flexform-configuration may take priority over typoscript-configuration.

Actions #16

Updated by Stefan Strasser about 17 years ago

I've just submitted the changes to svn. Tomorrow there should be a t3x-snapshot at which includes the new feature.

The manual has to be updated, that's not done yet.


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