


Bug #18653 ยป 20080519_altclickmenu_deps.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-05-19 12:34

View differences:

typo3/js/clickmenu.js (working copy)
var Clickmenu = {
clickURL: 'alt_clickmenu.php', // URL to the clickmenu.php file, see template.php
ajax: true, // template.php -> isCMLayers check
ajax: true, // @deprecated since TYPO3 4.2.1, remove in TYPO3 4.4, as since 4.2 only AJAX calls are available
mousePos: { X: null, Y: null },
* switch function that either makes an AJAX call
* or loads the request in the top frame
* function that does the remote call
* @param params parameters added to the URL
* @return nothing
callURL: function(params) {
if (this.ajax && Ajax.getTransport()) { // run with AJAX
params += '&ajax=1';
new Ajax.Request(this.clickURL, {
method: 'get',
parameters: params,
onComplete: function(xhr) {
var response = xhr.responseXML;
if (!response.getElementsByTagName('data')[0]) return;
var menu = response.getElementsByTagName('data')[0].getElementsByTagName('clickmenu')[0];
var data = menu.getElementsByTagName('htmltable')[0];
var level = menu.getElementsByTagName('cmlevel')[0];
this.populateData(data, level);
} else { // fallback with no AJAX, no isCMLayers
top.loadTopMenu(this.clickURL + '?' + params);
params += '&ajax=1';
new Ajax.Request(this.clickURL, {
method: 'get',
parameters: params,
onComplete: function(xhr) {
var response = xhr.responseXML;
if (!response.getElementsByTagName('data')[0]) return;
var menu = response.getElementsByTagName('data')[0].getElementsByTagName('clickmenu')[0];
var data = menu.getElementsByTagName('htmltable')[0];
var level = menu.getElementsByTagName('cmlevel')[0];
this.populateData(data, level);
function showClickmenu_noajax(url) {
Clickmenu.ajax = false; showClickmenu_raw(url);
function setLayerObj(tableData, cmLevel) {
Clickmenu.populateData(tableData, cmLevel);
typo3/template.php (working copy)
* Returns true if click-menu layers can be displayed for the current user/browser
* Use this to test if click-menus (context sensitive menus) can and should be displayed in the backend.
* @deprecated since TYPO3 4.2.1, remove in TYPO3 4.4, since in the new backend there can only be the CM layers (and AJAX) allowed
* @return boolean
function isCMlayers() {
* Please just call this function without expecting a return value for future calls
function getContextMenuCode() {
$this->JScodeArray['clickmenu'] = '
Clickmenu.clickURL = "'.$this->backPath.'alt_clickmenu.php";
Clickmenu.ajax = '.($this->isCMLayers() ? 'true' : 'false' ).';';
if ($this->backPath) {
$this->JScodeArray['clickmenu'] = '
Clickmenu.clickURL = "'.$this->backPath.'alt_clickmenu.php";';
// return array deprecated since 4.2
return array('','','');
// return array deprecated since 4.2
return array('','','');
typo3/backend.php (working copy)
* old function from the old backend (where there was a topMenu frame)
* @deprecated since TYPO3 4.2.1, remove in TYPO3 4.4
function loadTopMenu(URL) {
alert("The function you called is no longer available, and was removed in TYPO3 4.2. \
This is probably called by an extension that does not use the new TYPO3 Clickmenu API. \
Please report this to \
with a detailed list on how to reproduce this message and a list of extensions you are currently using. \
Thank you for your feedback, the TYPO3 Team");
* Initialize login expiration warning object
var busy = new busy();
typo3/alt_clickmenu.php (working copy)
var $alwaysContentFrame=0; // If true, the "content" frame is always used for reference (when condensed mode is enabled)
var $iParts=array(); // Stores the parts of the input $item string, splitted by "|": [0] = table/file, [1] = uid/blank, [2] = flag: If set, listFrame, If "2" then "content frame" is forced [3] = ("+" prefix = disable all by default, enable these. Default is to disable) Items key list
var $disabledItems=array(); // Contains list of keywords of items to disable in the menu
var $dontDisplayTopFrameCM=0; // If true, the context sensitive menu will not appear in the top frame, only as a layer.
var $dontDisplayTopFrameCM = 0; // If set, then the clickmenu will NOT display in the top frame. @deprecated since TYPO3 4.2, remove in TYPO3 4.4, there is no topframe in the new backend anymore
var $leftIcons=0; // If true, Show icons on the left.
var $extClassArray=array(); // Array of classes to be used for user processing of the menu content. This is for the API of adding items to the menu from outside.
var $ajax=0; // enable/disable ajax behavior
* @return boolean
function doDisplayTopFrameCM() {
if($this->ajax) {
return false;
} else {
return !$GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->isCMlayers() || !$this->dontDisplayTopFrameCM;
return false;
* @param array $menuItem array
* @param array Array with HTML content to be imploded between <td>-tags
* @return array Array of menu items for top frame.
* @deprecated in TYPO3 4.2, remove in TYPO3 4.4, there is no topframe anymore in TYPO3 4.2
function menuItemsForTopFrame($menuItems) {
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage core
* @see template::getContextMenuCode()
* @deprecated since TYPO3 4.2, remove in TYPO3 4.4
class SC_alt_clickmenu {