


Bug #19102 ยป typo3_src-4.2.1-workspace-move-after-fix.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-07-14 20:55

View differences:

typo3_src-4.2.1/t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php 2008-07-14 20:48:31.000000000 +0200
$old_pid_value = $pid_value;
} else {$OK = 0;} // If not found in the substArray we must stop the process...
} elseif ($table==='pages' && $pid_value<0 && $this->BE_USER->workspace!==0) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', 'pages', 't3ver_wsid='.$this->BE_USER->workspace.' and t3ver_move_id='.abs($pid_value));
$row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
if ($row) {
$pid_value = -1*$row['uid'];
} elseif ($pid_value>=0 && $this->BE_USER->workspace!==0 && $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioning_followPages']) { // PID points to page, the workspace is an offline space and the table follows page during versioning: This means we must check if the PID page has a version in the workspace with swapmode set to 0 (zero = page+content) and if so, change the pid to the uid of that version.
if ($WSdestPage = t3lib_BEfunc::getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord($this->BE_USER->workspace, 'pages', $pid_value, 'uid,t3ver_swapmode')) { // Looks for workspace version of page.
if ($WSdestPage['t3ver_swapmode']==0) { // if swapmode is zero, then change pid value.
$uid = intval($uid);
$destPid = intval($destPid);
if ($this->BE_USER->workspace!==0 && $destPid < 0) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', 'pages', 't3ver_wsid='.$this->BE_USER->workspace.' and t3ver_move_id='.abs($destPid));
$row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
if ($row) {
$destPid = -1*$row['uid'];
// Finding list of tables to copy.
$copyTablesArray = $this->admin ? $this->compileAdminTables() : explode(',',$this->BE_USER->groupData['tables_modify']); // These are the tables, the user may modify
if (!strstr($this->copyWhichTables,'*')) { // If not all tables are allowed then make a list of allowed tables: That is the tables that figure in both allowed tables AND the copyTable-list
// Initialize:
$destPid = intval($destPid);
if ($table === 'pages' && $this->BE_USER->workspace!==0 && $destPid < 0) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', $table, 't3ver_wsid='.$this->BE_USER->workspace.' and t3ver_move_id='.abs($destPid));
$row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
if ($row) {
$destPid = -1*$row['uid'];
$propArr = $this->getRecordProperties($table,$uid); // Get this before we change the pid (for logging)
$moveRec = $this->getRecordProperties($table,$uid,TRUE);
$resolvedPid = $this->resolvePid($table,$destPid); // This is the actual pid of the moving to destination