Bug #102018
openURL suffix is not taken into account in TYPO3\CMS\Core\Routing\PageSlugCandidateProvider::getCandidatesForPath()
I am updating a multi domain + multi language website from TYPO3 8 to 11.
The language fallbacks are set up properly: if a page is not translated the fallback (language 0) should be the candidate to show.
Nevertheless a 404 is thrown.
I dived into the core code and found out, that the variable $slugCandidate did not use the configured suffix /
It is even removed. In TYPO 12 the behaviour is the same as I can see.
The code in TYPO3\CMS\Core\Routing\PageSlugCandidateProvider::getCandidatesForPath():
$slugCandidate = '/' . trim($candidate['slug'], '/'); .. if ($urlPath === $slugCandidate) {
My config.yaml:
languages: - .. languageId: 1 fallbackType: fallback fallbacks: '0' .. routeEnhancers: PageTypeSuffix: type: PageType default: / suffix: / index: '' map: /: 0 ..
If I add the suffix to the $slugCandidate quick & dirty, the behaviour is as expected and I can move forward with the next challenges.
$slugCandidate = '/' . trim($candidate['slug'], '/') . '/';
Thanks for fixing this.
Updated by Stefan Maischner 12 months ago
Addition: I had to extend my quick fix a bit so that the XML sitemaps and root pages still work:
$slugCandidate = '/' . trim($candidate['slug'], '/') . ( strpos( $urlPath, '.xml' ) === false && $candidate['slug'] != '/' ? '/' : '' );
Updated by Stefan Maischner 12 months ago
A crucial detail to add, why the fallback may not have worked either:
We do not use the language function with classical languages, but with branches. Specifically: there is no main language with its own domain, but only the branches (language > 0) have a domain and should be filled from the content of language 0 in general cases.
languages: - base: '' languageId: 0 - base: 'https://branch1.com' languageId: '1' - base: 'https://branch2.com' languageId: '2'
Updated by Stefan Bürk 12 months ago
- Category set to Site Handling, Site Sets & Routing
- Assignee set to Stefan Bürk
Updated by Stefan Bürk 12 months ago
Basically, this is a configuration error.
1. a base should not be empty (neither main nor of a language. It should at least be `/` - but also kind of `unique`
2. if should end in `/` even if a full domain is given.
At least, the SiteConfiguration UI does not allow to add and save a empty base (for a language). That's mentioned in the label for the fields.
However, I will look into it - and eventually fix it. TBH - personally I would through a \Runtime exception for a wrong configuration.
However, you don't need to wait for bugfix on that and instead correct your configuration.
Updated by Stefan Maischner 12 months ago
Thanks four your assessment.
I had also tried it with a slash - with the same inadequate result.
So a configuration error can be excluded here. So I can't correct this configuration either.
The desired setup is basically understandable?
I would very much appreciate it if TYPO3 could also map more complex issues and not just pure textbook cases.
A headless approach is also conceivable, in which no typical languages are used, but language 1 is web (web.brand.com), language 2 is app (app.brand.com) and so on. - and if a "language" is not filled, "language" 0 is used (to which no domain is assigned).
And in conclusion: If configured suffixes are not taken into account at all when routing (at least in the place I found), then that is probably a bug in my eyes. I really hope this can be fixed and I am confident if even I could solve this with a one-liner.
Thank you very much.
Updated by Astrid Haubold 11 months ago
- Related to Story #101565: Frontend related translation issues added