Bug #102889
openIRRE elements with maxitems / minitems invalid in workspaces
If I have a content element with minitems or maxitems set, the validation does not work in a workspace.
1. Adapt any content element with an included IRRE element to have maxitems = 1
2. Switch to LIVE workspace
3. Create this element, add one IRRE element and save it
4. Switch to non-LIVE workspace
5. Edit this element and change the element (remove the existing one and add another)
6. Save the element
7. Now the content element has two IRRE elements (the old one and the new one), which is correct because it's not published yet. BUT the FormEngineValidation gives me an error
Validate the IRRE elements only for the elements which are in the same workspace as you're in. If there are three IRRE elements (one from LIVE, one from one workspace, one from another) it should be validated separately as "there is one IRRE element and maxitems, which is fine"
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