Task #103071
openTrying to render backend/fluid T3-Link, but LinkHandler concept is kind of weird as there is no real parser for t3links into table/uid parts
I came to the conclusion that LinkHandler concept looks kind of weird.
I basically wanted to code my own Content-Element Backend Preview and came across the problem that I wanted to display a t3link as Linked Record with icon (edit-link to the backend record for given uid). I know this basically sounds crude, but obviously this is not really comfortable possible.
Initially I thought there is something like this BE/Fluid ViewHelper:<be:uri.editRecord uid="42" table="a_table" returnUrl="foo/bar" />
But it can't handle t3-links on it's own.
Okay let's try to split the t3link, say it's:
We have type page and uid 24. Ok sounds simple, but wait ... page is the link-type, NOT the table-name. Of course we could simply trick here and replace it hard-coded, but it's weird that not even TYPO3-Core has some kind of generic Class which will resolve this.
Any other utility-classes like LinkService, TypoLinkCodedService, TypolinkSoftReferenceParser and many more I discovered for a real "resolver" won't work or also require a table-name.
TypolinkSoftReferenceParser::getTypoLinkParts method comes very clearly to what I've been searching, but even there table-name is required and there's nowhere a mapping between table-name to link/record identifier like 'page' is table 'pages'.
I think this should't be hard-coded and always up to developers tricking around with such things and even TYPO3 core seems to poke around this basic problem, instead of providing a LinkHandlerMapper or some type of class we can use to manage/register linkhandlers to/from record table-name or link-identifier to the opposite.
The dirty mapping-logic done in TypolinkSoftReferenceParser::getTypoLinkParts
should be refactored to it's own class and in such a way that we don't have to clue what table-name a t3link is ment for. Why is there the link-type 'page' if nowhere we use this to map it to pages table?
There are many core-classes which aim to provide anything for link-handling and we have link-handling configuration.
And additionally if we have t3links in our TYPO3-World it would be awesome to have a simple BE/Core ViewHelper which allows to render a record-link with icon just like be:uri.editRecord, but with argument for t3link, say it could be named be:typolink.editRecord.
It there's anything I didn't find please let me know. If my current view is really the fact, we should clean-up and refactor some things to make the linkhandler-feature better and better useable for developers for such a case I now had.
Updated by Gabriel Kaufmann / Typoworx NewMedia about 1 year ago
ยท Edited
Just as a proposal and basis for discussion. If we don't want to touch too much, we could also extend LinkHandlingInterface.
currently linkHandlingInterface only is able to convert link-array to uri or a given record to link-handler array. Currently every LinkHandler-Array has it's own structure.
I think it would make sense to add:LinkHandlingInterface::getSchema() : string
returns baseUrn-SchemaLinkHandlingInterface::getUriSchema() : string
returns baseUrn-Schema plus data-schema (see below)LinkHandlingInterface::canHandleUri(string $urn) : bool
to check if a given t3link uri is able to be handled by itLinkHandlingInterface::canHandleData(array $data) : bool
to check if a given link-array-structure is able to be handled by itLinkHandlingInterface::getTableName() : string
returns record table-nameLinkHandlingInterface::asArray(string $urn) : array
to parse t3link into uri-parts
additionally I would vote for it to make the baseUrn-Property mandatory (or at least mandatory by interface method getSchema(), whereas the baseUrn should also contain placeholder-hints for the names used in data-array, for example as follows with data-schema.
URI including Data-Schema:
PageHandler: t3://page<&type:pagetype><¶meters:parameters><#fragment:fragment>
FileHandler: t3://file<#fragment:fragment>
- uid (mandatory)
- type (mandatory)
- identifier (optional)
- parameters (optional)
- fragment (optional)
If this would be converted to an Object we even could add methods to add custom-data (that may not be defined yet). I hate such arrays used everywhere even more if the data-structure is the same, but indeed isn't named in the same manner.