Bug #103512
closeddiv in ckeditor
As far as I understand it, div-Tags are allowed by default (https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/main/en-us/Changelog/8.0/Breaking-72837-RTETransformationsAllowDivSectionsByDefaultAndRemoveFont-specificParsing.html#breaking-72837-rte-transformations-allow-div-sections-by-default-and-remove-font-specific-parsing).
My styles.content.allowTags are the default - also containing div
My processing.yaml contains
processing: mode: default # Tags that are allowed in the content in general allowTags: ... div
and default transformation-settings.
Divs are also allowed in ckeditor by using htmlSupport - { name: 'div', attributes: true, classes: true, styles: true }
The div shows up in ckeditor until I press the save-button. After this, the div is stored in the database but replaced by p in ckeditor and rendered as p in FE.
Updated by Benni Mack 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
This code is not replaced in RTE. This works as expected when using:
- { name: "Lead", element: "p", classes: ['lead'] }
- { name: "Small", element: "small", classes: [] }
- { name: "Muted", element: "span", classes: ['text-muted'] }
- { name: 'div', element: "div", attributes: true, classes: true, styles: true }
Please check your database contents (= what is in the DB table row).
In addition, you should check your "lib.parseFunc_RTE" configuration in Frontend output. There is a option called "remapTag.DIV = P" - this line needs to be unset.
Just use this in your TypoScript:
lib.parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.remapTag.DIV >