Bug #104894
openlegacyHiddenField for Datetime Picker do not work
After updating, to 12.4.19 we got problems that Forms with datepicker in Backend modules do not work.
I am using the FormDataCompiler for that which uses hidden fields.
I got following JS error:
"The hidden field for "@typo3/backend/date-time-picker.js" shall not be used. Please remove this field and supply the ISO8601 date in the user-facing field instead."
According to the typescript variable naming it´s the legacy hidden field "const legacyHiddenField" (File: Build/Sources/TypeScript/backend/date-time-picker.ts)
But its build via the new date configuration: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-tca/12.4/en-us/ColumnsConfig/Type/Datetime/Index.html#columns-datetime-migration
My code:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_cpcsvexport_filter']['columns']['from'] = [
'label' => 'Date from ',
'config' => [
'type' => 'datetime',
'format' => 'date'
Problem is, that "onChange" the hidden input field do not get the value change of the datepicker, but an input field without the [name] attribute gets the value, via POST. So no value is submitted on sending (see screenshot in the files).
Following change fixes the error on my side:
=> const legacyHiddenField = inputElement.closest('typo3-formengine-element-datetime') ? null : inputElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('input[type="hidden"]') as HTMLInputElement;
=> const legacyHiddenField = inputElement.closest('typo3-formengine-element-datetime') ? inputElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('input[type="hidden"]') as HTMLInputElement : null;
Commit that causes this problem https://github.com/TYPO3/typo3/commit/2eedd4585d1c52170409c01e9bcf30484630a858
Updated by Benjamin Franzke 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Please provide more context.
We tried to add a compat layer in case date-time-picker was used in non-FormEngine context.
It seems that you use a custom FormEngine via FormDataCompiler, but it seems that the DateTimeElement is initialized with custom markup.
Can you provide a reproducable example?
(minimal backend module that bootstrap FormDataCompiler with the mentioned TCA)
Or alternatively try to update your custom code to match the current markup…