Bug #14163
closedfailed to allocate memory
After longer use (several days) of typo3 without restarting the apache, one script after the other is failing with error message "failed to allocate memory - tried to allocate another xyz Bytes". The only thing that helps is restarting the webserver.
Our website is already on our providers server and in production use. Therefore it is not posiible to restart the apache without difficulties.
Memory in php.ini = 32MB
(issue imported from #M89)
Updated by old_guse over 20 years ago
Sorry, I forgot to say that this happens for pagerendering, etc. in frontend and backend
Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 20 years ago
This is not a bug of Typo3 but a bug of either Apache or PHP.
After a PHP scripts has finished running, all memory should be freed again.
If this is not the case on your server, something seems to be buggy/misconfigured.
Please raise this question in the mailing list.