Bug #14336
closedDatabase analyzer gives stupid Alter statements by comparing existing schema with database.sql
When a database schema exists (even if you have just dumped the database.sql file into the database) the compare with database.sql function offers alter statements that do not really differ from the exisiting schema.
Examples below:
ALTER TABLE be_groups CHANGE uid uid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;
Current Schema:
Current value: int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment
ALTER TABLE be_groups CHANGE pid pid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
Current Schema:
Current value: int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
So it would be just a no operation.
Use an existing Typo3-Database-Schema and upgrade to 3.7rc?
(issue imported from #M384)
Updated by Ingmar Schlecht about 20 years ago
This is a duplicate of #0000055.
Wolfgang Klinger has already written a patch, but it has not been authorized by Kasper yet.