Feature #14631
closed"To top"-Button
In the BE, Typo3 uses a "to top"-Button for sorting items in listboxes. Clicking on this button moves the selected item(s) right to the top of the list.
A suggestion would be to use more fine grained control ("one step up", "one step down") to allow easier sorting, esp. for listboxes which contain many items.
There are basically two different sizes of listboxes: A large one can be seen in the template module, "Edit whole template record" -> "Include static". An example for small listboxes is the one used for image lists (see attachments/screenshots).
(issue imported from #M927)
Updated by Ingo Renner over 19 years ago
added another possibility for the small version...
Updated by Michael Stucki over 19 years ago
Looks very good! I wouldn't use the small_2.png suggestion cause move-to-top and move-to-bottom don't make much sense on such small fields.
I forward the first two images to Kasper.
Robert, can you please create adequate icons, based on t3lib/gfx/group_totop.gif?
Will anybody write a patch for this?
Regards, michael