

Michael Stucki


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 530 530
Reported issues 2 99 101


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Honorary Member 2008-02-07



10:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #91768: Race condition while caching data using SimpleFileBackend
Feel free to add suggestions on how this could be improved. Michael Stucki


21:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #91768: Race condition while caching data using SimpleFileBackend
Did you try my patch from above? Thanks to this my websites run fine in Kubernetes with multiple pods. Feel free to p... Michael Stucki


18:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #87174: .... typo3temp/var/cache/code/cache_core/site-configuration.php): Access is denied
I was adding comments here because I ran into a very similar problem. However, just decided to move my comments into ... Michael Stucki
17:53 TYPO3 Core Bug #87174: .... typo3temp/var/cache/code/cache_core/site-configuration.php): Access is denied
Randy Fay wrote:
> It seems to me that the root of this is that TYPO3 uses a filesystem as if it were tmpfs (<projec...
Michael Stucki
18:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #91768: Race condition while caching data using SimpleFileBackend
I spent a lot of time analyzing this problem, and my conclusion is that the error should be ignored by TYPO3:
If i...
Michael Stucki
18:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #91768 (Resolved): Race condition while caching data using SimpleFileBackend
When two requests run at the same time:
- request A clears a cache (e.g. cache_core)
- request B tries to write int...
Michael Stucki


14:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #91434: Class name “downloads” in Layout HTML file prepended with slash
Wrong project. Michael Stucki


13:47 TYPO3 Core Bug #91426: Form Extension: FileUpload field produces javascript error
Wrong project. Michael Stucki


14:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #91167: Hosteurope database name not valid
Yes the installer does not show it because, as I understand it, this is not supported as of now. However, you can ski... Michael Stucki


22:36 TYPO3 Core Bug #91167: Hosteurope database name not valid
Just set it in LocalConfiguration.php, see Michael Stucki

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