



Bug #14984


Editpanel confirm dialogs (del/hide) don't display umlauts/etc

Added by Ernesto Baschny almost 19 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
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The edit panel has a hide and delete buttons that open a javascript confirmation dialog. This works nice in englisch, but if the user has set the BE-language to a language that uses non-ascii chars in these strings (e.g. german), the confirmation dialogs appear with these characters displayed as URL-encoded UTF-8 entities.

The problem is that javascript dialogs doesn't support URL-encoded strings and not even UTF-8 entities.

The attached patch solves the problem, and allows us to display the confirmation prompts with umlauts etc. The solution is:

1) t3lib_tsfebeuserauth::extGetLL has a new parameter, allowing us to return the string in the default charset that the BE-user is using (instead of UTF-8 entities)
2) In tslib_content::editPanel we now get the strings for "hideConfirm" and "deleteConfirm" using this new parameter
3) In tslib_content::editPanelLinkWrap the $confirm parameter goes through $GLOBALS['LANG']->JScharCode() to get properly encoded and displayed in the dialog.

The attached patch was created for current CVS-head, but also applies to TYPO3 3.8.0 nicely.
(issue imported from #M1472)


Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #14264: getUpdateJS: broken when using UTF-8 and IEClosedBernhard Kraft2004-08-05

Actions #1

Updated by Ernesto Baschny over 18 years ago

After a discussion in typo3-dev, Bernhard Kraft convinced me that the JScharCode isn't needed anymore (in step 3). The proper way of outputting UTF8 strings in JavaScript alert()s is to: quote single quotes with an "\" and have the string go to htmlspecialchars.

The updated patch changes this.

Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Kraft over 18 years ago

I made an example:

And will mark this bug as duplicate of:

Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Kraft over 18 years ago

The actual patch:
fixes following problems:

Mailform goodMess, badMess, emailMess with utf-8 entities. (No bug #)
FE-User admin/Direct Mail subscription utf-8 entities in values (Bug #14264)
JSMENU with utf8 (Bug #14264)
Editpanel confirm dialogs with utf8 (Bug #14264)

please try it out and write me back if you had a negative or positive experience:

If this works fine and no problems come up it will get added to the core and be contained in T3 4.0.0

Actions #4

Updated by Ernesto Baschny over 18 years ago

I've just tested the patches on a plain 3.8.0 setup (should work the same in 3.8.1) and it worked. In "native" iso-latin-1 mode and also with forceCharSet set to utf-8. At least the dialogs from the editpanels work nicely with the last patch from Bernhard.

Actions #5

Updated by Ernesto Baschny over 18 years ago

I can also confirm that the FORM-validation alerts also work properly with the latest patch.


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