Feature #14987
closedRECORDS cObject does not use stdWrap
The current cObject RECORDS, does not utilize stdWrap on the root of the object. Those other cObjects that would benefit from this, all employ the stdWrap funtion except RECORDS.
This would allow the following functionality through typoscript, which is an example of what I am trying to accomplish:
temp.border = RECORDS
temp.border.tables = tt_content
temp.border.source = 53
temp.border.stdWrap.field = image
temp.border.stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject < temp.otherContent
If the field 'image' from record pid = 53 from table tt_content is empty, then don't use that content but other content.
Suggest the following change of code to class.tslib_content.php:
if ($conf['stdWrap.']) $theValue = $this->stdWrap($theValue,$conf['stdWrap.']);
(issue imported from #M1475)
Updated by Brian Slezak over 18 years ago
Updated diff to TYPO3 v4:
if ($conf['stdWrap.']) $theValue = $this->stdWrap($theValue,$conf['stdWrap.']);