Bug #15450
closedLocal anchors are prepended with an "c" character, and that breaks functionality.
We have this typoscript code:
lib.anchordata = RECORDS
lib.anchordata.wrap = <ul class="anchordata">|</ul><hr>
lib.anchordata.source.data = register:recordsInTVField
lib.anchordata.tables = tt_content
lib.anchordata.conf.tt_content = TEXT
lib.anchordata.conf.tt_content {
noBlur = 1
fieldRequired = header
value = ยป {field:header}
insertData = 1
htmlSpecialChars = 1
wrap = <li>|</li>
typolink.parameter.field = pid
typolink.section.field = uid
typolink.section.wrap = content|
if.isTrue.field = sectionIndex
tt_content.stdWrap.dataWrap = <a name="content{field:uid}"></a> |
That works fine in 3.8.0 and 3.8.1, but does not work in ver4 beta1 and 2.
I have not been able to find out where the ekstra "c" in front of "content" comes from.
(issue imported from #M2361)
Updated by Allan Jacobsen almost 19 years ago
Sorry about this, I didn't read bugreport 1243, so I can see this is a feature, and not a bug.
Can someone please close this ?