Feature #15698
closedAllowing non-admins in the tstemplate module.
In the conf.php file of tstemplate/ts/ the following is stated:
"If this is changed so not only admin-users can manipulate templates, there need to be done something with the constant editor that is not allowed to 'clear the cache' then!!".
I would like special non-admins users to get access to the tstemplate module as well. The reason is that I have several sites on one installation, and it would be nice if my "sub-admins" could edit the tstemplate without having full admin access.
(issue imported from #M2664)
Updated by Stig N¸rgaard over 18 years ago
Also in this regard another already reported feature request is very interesting.
0001031: Support to clear cache only in subtrees when changing TS
Updated by Michael Stucki over 18 years ago
This change is not possible because it will allow non-admins to include a PHP script, for example.