Bug #17186
closedJSMENU showActive not working with entryLevel (was 1508)
The showActive setting for the JSMENUITEM does not work when setting entryLevel. The problem is in tslib/class.tslib_menu.php
Line 2792 (in TYPO3 4.1.1) is the the Problem because it does not check for an entryLevel.
$active = ($levelConf['showActive'] && $data['uid'] $this->tmpl->rootLine[$count]['uid']);
This can be fixed easyly using the following line
$active = ($levelConf['showActive'] && $data['uid'] $this->tmpl->rootLine[$count+$this->conf['entryLevel']]['uid']);
This bug has formerly reported for TYPO3 3.7 (see http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1508) but has never been solved.
(issue imported from #M5357)
Updated by Bjrn Kraus over 17 years ago
I added a patch file to easily apply the changes.
Updated by Jörg Wagner almost 15 years ago
The showActive problem is much larger than described here.
For a full description and solution see http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=12505 [^]
Updated by Benni Mack over 14 years ago
Commited to trunk (rev #6687)
Commited to TYPO3_4-3 (rev #6688)
Commited to TYPO3_4-2 (rev #6689)